Home African Caribbean Give Thanks
General Staff writer Diomi Miller

General Staff writer Diomi Miller.

Spiritual news. Before you pray to your creator be sure to say “Thank You” Thank you for another day.  For each day is opportunity to accomplish your goals and experience the treasures of life.


“Thank you God for all you do for me.

Thank you God for protecting me.

Thank you God for shelter, clothes, and a job.

Thank you God for providing for me and my family.

Thank you God for blessing me in ways I can’t see.

Thank you God for my health, strength, sound mind, and the grace to endure any situation that comes my way.”

Yes, life can be challenging but, if you shift your focus off what you don’t have and appreciate the simple things you do have, you will begin to realize how blessed you truly are.

Photo courtesy httpwww4lahcom

Photo courtesy http://www.4lah.com

Blessings come in many forms.  Although you may not see a rapid response to your prayers have faith God is working behind the scenes on your behalf.  The bible reads in 1Thessalonians 5:18 “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”



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