Home Entertainment GAME OF HEARTS


by caribdirect

Staff writer - Kerran Monroe

Valentines night I was not at home for majority of the night.  The next day my sister was telling me about this game show called, Game of Hearts, which aired on CVM Television and how great it was.  I immediately got excited about this show that I had never seen before and neither had I even seen a preview.  I was disappointed that I did not get to watch it and wanted to see it so badly.

Luckily for me, all hope was not lost, as I logged on to the internet, singed in to YouTube and there it was in my subscription box, the entire episode, even the commercials.

Essentially, Game of Hearts is a game show which features couples.  The host, asks the contestants, questions about their partners while the partner is off set. The partner comes back on set and states whether or not his/her significant other was correct and vice versa.  It basically checks to see how well you know your partner and how well your partner knows you.

The contestants on the first episode included two celebrity couples and a married couple.  The celebrity couples were Dancehall DJ Spice and her fiancé Nicholas and Dancehall Selector, Foota Hype and his girlfriend who is also in the music industry.  She is singer Ishawna.  The other couple was a married couple, married for twelve (12) years.

Foota and Ishawna got off to a rocky start, with Ishawna contradicting almost

Singer Ishawna: Photo courtesy jamaica-star.com

every answer her man gave while she was backstage.  Spice and Nicholas, on the other hand got off to an excellent start with Spice, confirming every answer, Nicholas gave when she was backstage.  I was convinced they were soul mates.  After the end of the first round the married couple was in second place with Spice and Nicholas leading and Ishawna and Foota in last place.

By the end of the game show, Spice and Nicholas held on to their lead, winning the game and Ishawna and Foota made significant improvements to finish second, with the married couple in third place.

The winning couple won a weekend at a hotel on the North Coast and a Spa treatment, while the runner up couple won a dinner for two (obviously).

At the end of the 30 minutes I was not disappointed at all and was looking forward to the next episode.


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