Home African Caribbean Faithful Narissa Spencer killed by unlicensed driver

Dearly beloved Saints I don’t know if you are aware from Guyana news. But Narissa Spencer that served us on our mission trips in Guyana died last Thursday evening in a horrific and fatal  road traffic accident. It occurred as she was walking on the pavement/sidewalk to go teach an aerobic dance class. An 18 year old unlicensed drunken driver was driving at an uncontrollable speed and tried to  turn onto Lamaha street but the car veered off the road onto the pavement and hit  Narissa at high speed throwing her high up into the air and into the the adjacent property concrete wall.

Narissa Spencer. Photo courtesy http://www.inewsguyana.com

Narissa Spencer. Photo courtesy http://www.inewsguyana.com

The car apparently continued uncontrollably colliding into two other vehicles and ended on its roof. It’s driver  was injured but was being treated in the hospital. Narissa was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. Please let us pray for her children and Sandy,  Mandy, Kay, Sankar,  Vish and Jason and the church and her mum.  Please can you send a monetary gift to me that we can together send  a mission team gift to help them in their need. Click here for details to contact us: http://www.missionfellowship.net/Shalom. Dave Prasad

See report from http://www.inewsguyana.com below:

Investigations are being conducted into a fatal accident that occurred about 18:55 hrs yesterday on Lamaha Street, Georgetown, and which resulted in the death of pedestrian  Narissa Spencer. Police investigations have revealed that the 41-year-old dance teacher from Buxton, East Coast Demerara was walking along the roadway, when she was struck down by a motor vehicle that was allegedly being driven at a fast rate by an unlicensed driver who had lost control of the motor vehicle.

The vehicle turned turtle and collided with two other vehicles. Narissa Spencer was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where she was pronounced dead on arrival. The driver of the motor vehicle received injuries and has been admitted to hospital. INews understands that Narissa’s ex-husband sports journalist Calvin Roberts died on the exact day a year ago. Naressa was the daughter of Chronicle’s longstanding receptionist Marjorie Spencer.


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