Home African Caribbean Controversial UK JA politician joins English Democrats

Controversial UK JA politician joins English Democrats

by caribdirect

Winston McKenzie, the former UKIP candidate, who some say is the most influential Black English political figure today, has declared himself an English nationalist and joined the English Democrats, the only campaigning English nationalist party.

In our National Council meeting on Saturday, 12th December in Bradford, the English Democrats selected Winston McKenzie as our candidate for the London Mayoral election in May 2016.

It has been claimed for some time by Left-wing multiculturalists that Black people in England only identify with being British.

English Democrats Mayoral Canditate Winston McKenzie. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

English Democrats Mayoral Canditate Winston McKenzie. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

Winston McKenzie’s declaration of his English national identity is a big step away from the remnants of Britishness in England and towards almost everyone in England identifying themselves as being English rather than British, just as the equivalent already happens in Scotland and Wales.

Robin Tilbrook, the Chairman of the English Democrats welcoming Winston McKenzie to the English Democrats and as its Mayoral candidate in London said:-

“I am delighted to announce that we have selected Winston McKenzie to be our candidate for the London Mayoral election.  Winston is a great character and one of the most high profile Black English political figures of our day.”

“His journey from the old national identity of British to the re-emerging national identity of English is very welcome as it shows that English national identity is now catching up fast with Scottish and Welsh national identity.”

“I think we will look back on this day as a milestone in the re-emergence of England – and of what the English Democrats campaign for – England resuming its place amongst the Nation states of the earth and to be able to become a modern, democratic, prosperous, independent European Nation State respecting the uniqueness of all nations and in friendship with our European neighbours in a Europe of Nations and of Freedom!”

“Now this important decision has been taken we are making a call for support so that Winston’s campaign can reach as many London voters as possible.” (Full report on press conference out on CaribDirect.com next week)


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