Home Culture & Society Coming Back Home – Nostalgic Moments

Coming Back Home – Nostalgic Moments

by caribdirect

Staff writer Eunice Nisbett

One of the things I enjoy about travelling between the islands is being able to connect with fellow islanders and persons from the Diaspora, as I change planes and wait in airport lounges. On one of my recent trips, a traveler from the Diaspora expressed disappointment at not being able to capture the essence of home after being away for a number of years. ‘Disappointed nostalgia,’ if there is such a thing.

It can be heart breaking to come back after a number of years to realize that the memories you cherished are no longer real. So if you are planning to return home this year, especially after a number of years away, here are some things you might wish to do, to ensure that your trip captures at least some of your nostalgic moments:

Prepare a list of people, places, things, and food. People you want to spend time with; places you wish to visit; things you want to do; and local foods you long to savour. You might want to include a visit to local museum or other historical site which will help you recapture your history.

Advise friends and family that in planning activities, the above items are must do’s.  If the appropriate arrangements are not made by a certain time, then let them know that you will be making your own arrangements for these activities. Take a taxi if you must. Explore your homeland, and find those nooks that hold your cherished memories. Explore new sites too.

If your family no longer prepares the traditional dishes you look forward

Arrivals on Air Canada to Barbados

to, then check out a local restaurant known for preparing good local food, and have at least one meal there.  Another alternative might be finding the local ingredients and preparing it yourself. Take a trek to the local food market – relive the experience, if that is one you wish to recall.

Most of all embrace positive change, and remember we have moved forward in some ways. We do lead busy lives, too. Yes, we have Internet, and you might well be surprised by the number of persons who own a Blackberry. Then again, our kids can be as tech savvy as other kids globally. So bear in mind, some things do change, and appreciate the blend of the old with the new.


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