Home African Caribbean Caribbean Stirrings

Caribbean Stirrings

by Amanda Alexander

Lifestyle Columnist, Amanda Alexander

The last three weeks I’ve been in St Lucia (my homeland) and Dominica, I’m now back in the UK and not feeling homesick but a genuine ‘Stirring’ that I must return back to St Lucia very soon. 

‘Stirring’ according to the Collins Dictionary₁ means to 1.  exciting the emotions; stimulating 2.  active, lively, or busy’. Prior to visiting St Lucia, my emotions were stabilised in that I was visiting the island for ministry and personal reasons. Hence as you can imagine to my surprise the activity, liveliness that has filled my spirit, soul and body accompanied by the busyness of things that need to be accomplished for my beloved country. 

This ‘Stirring’ is based on knowing that there’s a lot of work to be done in St Lucia, hence my excitement. Last week’s article ‘It takes more than a drum’ motivated me to speak to the powers that be on the island about my employment and social initiatives which were very much welcomed. This ‘Stirring’ is not allowing me to settle back into British life and just shove St Lucia to a lovely, distant memory in the back of my mind, it’s prompting me to take action and has brought the realisation that the work I’m involved in here in the UK, God knew all along it was for the Caribbean not the country and continent that I originally thought of implementing it. 

My journey to  St Lucia was also a fact finding mission and I’m so glad I went. Everything I do now must be screened through the eyes of eternity, St Lucia and the Caribbean. I now understand both my vision and purpose and thank God for the empowerment to walk in it. 

I want to challenge you that the next time you visit your Caribbean island, consider including in your holiday an analysis of your country. Ask yourself what do you see that needs to change? Does the venture burn a fire in your soul, are you equipped for the task, more importantly do you feel a stirring in your heart to effect this change? As I wander about my peaceful, lovely home in the UK the connection I once had with it is gone, but it’s not a bad thing. For me this signifies that the wind of change by the Holy Sprit is blowing and I must flow with it. 

Another question I have for you is what do you want out of life, what will be your legacy? So when you go home next allow yourself to be ‘Stirred’ and ask God what is your purpose on this earth, believe me He will show you an adventure that will blow your mind thus enabling you to be a blessing to others…Go for it you will not regret it for one moment! 

Stay on the journey with me as I unfold the next steps to helping the people of St Lucia and the Caribbean. 

So until next time, remember you are beautiful and wonderfully made – With love Amanda x                  

 Amanda Alexander is a Pastor, Teacher, TV Media Journalist

Founder of Female Dignity, Warrior Women, Amanda Alexander Production. She serves on the leadership team of New Life Church in Bishops Stortford and ministry coordinator for Patrick’s Mission

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