Home NewsCaribbean and the City Caribbean And The City – His Moment

Caribbean And The City – His Moment

by caribdirect

Staff writer - Maria Costa

If life really is a ticket to the greatest show on Earth then surely a Caribbean man is the host?

I’m not talking songs, dances or comedy. I am referring to that all elusive, rare and inextricably enlightening ability to quite simply, love life.

Life with Mr.Caribbean was like the antidote to boredom. Literally every fragment of my every moment turned in to drops of fun with mundane tasks magically transformed in to sensual foreplay.

But what was it that made driving to the shops, buying groceries or watching a film so exhilarating?
I mean, these were things I had done a million times with a million other people but somehow, with a Caribbean man, the fun factor was always on full blast.

As with many a time before, my curiosity was sated when I started to analyse a little deeper and I realised the answer was that Mr.Caribbean never really moaned. He was just…well…happy; in his moment.

Yes, moaning! That ever present, ever boring aspect of every stressed out person in today’s world. We’ve all been there; moaning about being tired, being too busy, being too poor, being ill. Worrying about what to do tomorrow, what will happen next week and forsaking the present was all too familiar and overtly common.

But with Mr.Caribbean, it was different.

He would often wake up after only a few hours sleep and happily get ready to face the day ahead whilst I lay asleep with the covers over me, half laspsed in to a coma.
”How can you be awake, we only went to sleep 3 hours ago?” I’d mussitate.
”It’s a new day baby! See you tonight” and with a kiss firmly planted on the covers, the front door would slam; his aftershave taunting my lack of energy and elan.

Happy Mr Caribbean

I secretly loved his ‘get up and go’ attitude of course. I found it incredibly attractive and his hard working ethos was a major turn on. Come rain or shine, Mr.Caribbean was out there, living his life, laughing his laughs and perhaps most importantly for him, earning his crust.

Embarking upon a quick, ten minute car journey? I’ll turn the music up and start singing; who cares if people are looking; the streets are ours, baby!

Buying a new pair of trainers? Why wait until a special occasion, I’ll wear them today!

In the middle of a packed train? I wanna kiss you anyway, here we go!

Yes, life was fun with Mr.Caribbean and his happiness was contagious. I’d catch his smile every so often and every night we would go to sleep and the next morning, we would wake up as virgins because it’s not what IF; it’s what NOW.


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