Home African Caribbean Caribbean Airlines director missing, feared dead

Caribbean news. PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad (Trinidad Express) – Retired BWIA pilot and Caribbean Airlines director Azad Niamat is still missing.

Caribbean Airlines Director Azad Niamat Photo courtesy httpwwwnewsdaycott

Caribbean Airlines Director Azad Niamat. Photo courtesy http://www.newsday.co.tt/

The 69-year-old, of 70 Main Road, Chaguanas, left home at 10.45 on Thursday morning, saying he was going to a hardware store to purchase some wood.

He never returned home. Relatives are now fearing the worst after a team of officers, led by Snr Supt Johnny Abraham, discovered Niamat’s Toyota Prado SUV at Brazil Arena Road in San Raphael on Friday morning.

There was no trace of the CAL director.

“We never received a call for a ransom, no call from him (Niamat)…nothing,” said a female relative yesterday.

“We are praying and hoping everyday that he is okay. We are worried. Police are saying they are working on it and are searching for him so we just have to wait,” she added. Article courtesy http://www.jamaicaobserver.com



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