Home Culture & Society Can’t Bounty Killer be bought…?

Can’t Bounty Killer be bought…?

by caribdirect

Staff writer – Kerran Monroe

So its official, Bounty Killer will not be doing Sting this year.  According to dancehallstarz.com, in an interview with Music News, Bounty Killer admitted that he would not be performing at Sting this year and that the Sting promoter Isaiah Laing is the reason for his decision.

He however, also admitted to liking the show; but apparently that is not enough for Bounty Killer to change his mind.

For years artists have complained about not being treated well by the Sting promoter.  However, with a banker by his side, in the name of Bob (something), artists have become a lot happier about working with the promoter of Sting.  The first artist who Bob had laughing all the way to the bank was
Ninja Man.

However, even with a lot of dollar strength, it seems Laing just cannot win over the Killer.  It seems nothing Laing does is working in winning over Bounty, as a few months ago; his strategy was to publicly call out Bounty Killer on Entertainment Report, betting against him, if he were to enter a clash with Tommy Lee.

Bounty Killer. Photo courtesy dancehallusa.com

Now his suitcase full of money strategy has also failed him, as it is rumored that the Killer returned his deposit and is hell bent on not doing Sting this year.

Laing will have to try another stunt, and quick, and hope it works, if he wants that clash at Sting this year, between Bounty Killer and Tommy Lee; in order to pull a big crowd; so he can maximize profits because time is running out on him.

But who knows, maybe a few days Bounty Killer will announce that he changed his mind.  Who knows, if this is not a carefully planned strategy by Laing and Killer, to add that element of surprise.

One thing is for sure, we won’t be truly sure that Killer will not be at Sting this year until the show is over.  So let’s wait and see.


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