Home Culture & Society British Reggae Industry Awards (B.R.I.A) tonight!

British Reggae Industry Awards (B.R.I.A) tonight!

by caribdirect
David Rodigan.

BRIA logoWe would like announce the long awaited return of British Reggae Industry Awards (B.R.I.A)

The British Reggae Industry Award (B.R.I.A.) was first established in 1981 to acknowledge British reggae artists for their dedication and contribution to reggae music. The mission has not changed, but has been revitalized because of the continuous interest for reggae music. B.R.I.A provides the ultimate platform for this music genre to be showcased to the world; cumulating in a prestigious Awards Ceremony.

The British Reggae Industry Awards will take place on the 21st February 2013 at the 02 Indigo Arena; Tickets are now available from www.ticketmaster.com (by putting Britishreggaeawards in the search bar).

Tippa Irie

Tippa Irie. Photo courtesy unitedreggae.com

This Year the show will start from 7.00pm and finish at Midnight due to number awards and big headliner acts such as “Tippa Irie” “Little Roy” & “Lady Lex” and many more…..


The ceremony will see potential nominees from various categories, in the line-up to win this year’s much coveted B.R.I.A Award. Potential winners such as Jimmy Cliff and Freddie McGregor are up for this year’s ‘Life time achievement’ Award and the category for The ‘Best New Comer’ will see nominees, such as Little Miss and Claire Angel in the running to win. Whilst we see David Rodigan up for this year’s Best Male Radio Personality and DJ Anne Marie up for Best British Female Community Radio DJ.

Jimmy Cliff

Jimmy Cliff. Photo courtesy jimmycliff.com

The endeavor is to make a lasting connection with the Awards, as an annually recognised event; not only in the U.K but also internationally. The Awards will provide encouragement and enhance the development of reggae music amongst the younger generation, and also honor the contributions of the more established Artists within the industry.

There is a need for a unified approach, to the delivery and positive promotion of reggae music to its audiences and it is our aim, to assist where possible in this ongoing journey.

British Reggae awards Flyer side 1

B.R.I.A proudly announces their desire to give back to the wider community and will be using the audience of the Awards Ceremony to highlight a positive cause. B.R.I.A are supporting the Prostrate Cancer Charity, this is an important charity to for the Caribbean community to acknowledge, because black men are three times more likely to get prostate cancer, then their white counterpart.

David Rodigan.

David Rodigan. Photo courtesy mixmag.net

B.R.I.A is planning a ‘star studied’ event, with the ‘Opening Address’ being made by the Jamaican High Commissioner’ and a whole host of celebrity and Industry professionals, attending as honored guest presenters.

The Ceremony will provide the platform where reggae music can be appreciated by all, this can only happen with your support and we are encouraging all reggae fans to come and support UK reggae and also enjoy a fantastic evening watching outstanding performances, by both our domestic and international champions.

Event managed and promoted By: HSC_Logo_and_Text-(HiRes_w141_h200)
If you would like more information then please visit the website www.Britishreggaeawards.co.uk. CaribDirect.com will be covering the event and bringing rich photos later.


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