Entrepreneurs in Action (EiA) are pleased to attach your joining details for the programme and your photo release form.
We will be sharing all the login details before the programme starts.
The briefing document outlines that all particpants will receive 12 weeks support from Salesfroce following the end of this programme.
The 25 participants who are invited to join the mini-internship will be allocated a Salesforce mentor for 12 months.
These support options will improve your chances of being offered a graduate or post-graduate role in the tech industry.
You will be the only students in the UK participating in a programme of this nature.
You will hear more about all the great opportunities we have organised for you on the 19th from the teams at Salesforce & Entrepreneurs in Action.
If you have not already confirmed, please make sure that you do so by close of business tomorrow..
There are 5 places left on the programme, please do feel free to recommend this programme to friends who meet the criteria, we want to have a full house!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.via email.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to this unique and existing programme.
Thank you,
The Admin Team at EiA