Today’s Word with Amanda
Are you in a career, relationship or situation that once brought fulfilment, but now brings daily misery? Do you feel that you’ve outgrown your environment and not sure which way to turn? Have you seen in your heart what you should be doing with your life, but circumstances are preventing you from stepping out? If any or all the above apply to you it could be construed that you are stuck in your life.
The Cambridge Dictionary defines stuck to mean “unable to move, or set in a particular position, place, or way of thinking”. The British Heart Foundation survey revealed that;
“Over half of Brits don’t venture outside of their comfort zones and almost half (45%) fear that one day they might live to regret it…”.²
These are startling statistics, but I’m sad to say that I was one of those Brits who didn’t venture out of her comfort zone but previously embarked on a career with wrong motives but felt safe. I entered the legal sector solely to make money and was miserable there for about twenty years but couldn’t leave because I had financial responsibilities.
I knew I had to change because if not, I would be hindering my life in every aspect as I wouldn’t not free to be me. Yes, there’ll be times in life where we will feel discontent and that’s normal, but when it’s fundamental to your well being I believe in change.
There’s hope – I got out and you can too with patience and perseverance!
I went to God in prayer and asked Him what to do, I was divinely instructed to just wait. I lived in Atlanta, USA for 5 years, during that time a friend of mine said ‘Amanda you’re meant to be on television’, I didn’t take her seriously. Then on my return to the UK in 2012 a magazine editor said ‘Amanda you should be in Media’, again I disregarded his kind comments.
In January 2012 the heavens opened and I was forced out of law through redundancy, it was one of the happiest moments of my life, why? Because I was no longer stuck I was free to be me. I took my freedom and qualified as a TV Media Journalist hence I’m no longer living a stuck life and my friends were right. My prayer for you is to be liberated in God’s time from every area of your life where you’re feeling stuck.
Some questions to ask yourself:
- Where are you in life?
- If you’re a Christian pray for God to direct you!
- Are you passionate and happy with what you are doing?
- Are you in a position where you can leave your stuck place voluntarily, and if so when?
- If you can’t leave voluntarily, what small steps can you take in the meantime to leave your stuck life?
- Do you have a mentor/coach to help you?
Until next time, remember you are beautiful and wonderfully made. If you’d like to discuss this you may reach me on – With love Amanda x.