Home Culture & Society A Caribbean Christmas Message

A Caribbean Christmas Message

by caribdirect

The time to spread joy and good tidings is here once again. T’is the time of year when we make a desperate effort as Caribbean people to show the ones we love and care for how deeply we appreciate them being in our lives.

Christmas for us Caribbean folk is also the time of year we over indulge on everything, drinking, eating, partying, sleeping, domino playing, bird watching and of course love making. Christmas for many is the excuse to do what we are not naturally inclined to do but do it anyway, to belong… to fit in…to be accepted.

Photo courtesy fanpop.com

Photo courtesy fanpop.com

Then there are those among us who see Christmas as the perfect opportunity to adorn themselves with jewelry they didn’t purchase; watch the television they didn’t buy and spend the cash they didn’t earn…yes I’m speaking about the thieves among us parading as friends, associates and acquaintances who prey on those die hard Christmas fanatics caught up in the festive spirit, spending money like nobody’s business.

Whatever your motivation this Christmas be sure not to lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas, regardless of your religious or spiritual beliefs, the birth of Jesus Christ and good will to all mankind. Think about this when you greet your neighbour; when you think of short changing your customer; or even when you think of having that extra piece of cheese cake when no one’s looking, to avoid another heart attack.

The message here for us Caribbean people is that we use this period to reflect on the past year, remember those who have left us, appreciate what we have and who we have in our lives that love us; and show them love and tell them you appreciate them.

Of course this behaviour should be practiced all year round and not just at Christmas but if it’s the very first time you reach out to your loved ones, this season is quite possibly the best time of year to do so.

So go forward bravely, put aside your differences (if any) and tell your mum, your dad, your sister your brother and everyone in your family, (should you have one), how important they are to you.

If on the other hand you don’t have family around you, reach out to a friend or even a neighbour and say to them, Merry Christmas!

However, for those of you who don’t believe in Christmas please let those who do celebrate it in peace…Don’t blare your music all Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to the enjoyment of fellow non-believers. Show a little consideration as a good responsible neighbour. Merry Christmas from CaribDirect.com


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