Home Commentary 3 Basic Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

3 Basic Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

by Diana Smith

Did you know that an average Australian family produces about 1.2 tonnes of waste each year, while an American family will produce nearly 3 tonnes of waste during that same period. Once all of this waste reaches landfills and starts breaking down, it releases various greenhouse gases and increases the collective carbon footprint we create. And this is just one of the ways we destroy our beautiful planet. Air pollution and deforestation are also enormous problems, ones that this world is having difficulty dealing with. If you want to help, start with yourself and your own habits. Here are some smart and easy ways for you to reduce your carbon footprint and be kinder to the Earth.

The Three Rs

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One of the first things you should turn into a regular practice is better disposal of the things you no longer need. If you begin recycling, repurposing and reusing things, you’ll do the planet a huge favour. All of the waste you make ends up in landfills and, eventually, in the oceans. So, for instance, if you don’t wear some of your clothes, and they are still wearable, check with your friends or family and ask if somebody else would like to take them of your hands. If not, there are clothes stores that you can take them to, so that they can be recycled. Similarly, most of your old furniture can be fixed and restored, after which somebody can use it in their own home. That way you’re reusing something that would otherwise be disposed of. These are some of the ways to clean your home without harming your planet. By also sorting your garbage and recycling plastic, glass and everything else that can be recycled, you’ll also be contributing to the well-being of the Earth, so put some effort into it and start making positive changes in your own household.

Moving Around

Those who can go about on foot or on their bikes are already doing their part in preserving the planet, but reaching your work, school or any other place this way may not be possible for you. If even riding your bike to work or school isn’t an option, you should use public transportation, instead of just sitting in your car alone and driving only yourself to work. In some cases, you might still have to use a car to get somewhere, and when that happens, you should learn about more sustainable ways of using a vehicle. There are now some amazing car share alternatives, allowing you to use a car without actually owning it or having to worry about registration, insurance or even fuel. These services are practical and cost-effective to the point that you don’t even have to pay a monthly fee if you keep the car on standby and drive it only when you can’t avoid it. Plus, if you don’t use the air conditioning, you’ll be going the extra mile for protecting the world you live in, while still making it to your destination on time.

Your Household

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There are many ways for you to lower the carbon footprint in your own home, most of which are fairly straightforward. Begin by keeping your home insulated, which means replacing your windows, so that you try to eliminate draft to the best of your ability and maintain temperature inside your living space without wasting energy. When purchasing appliances, always opt for the energy-efficient ones, whether you’re buying an air conditioner, fridge or a dishwasher. Nowadays, it’s easy to find such appliances, which save both energy and water. That way you’ll manage to lower your bills, while preserving the environment. Next, make sure the lightbulbs in your home aren’t the incandescent ones, but rather LED or fluorescent. Whichever ones you choose, it’s still crucial to turn the lights off when you exit a room or if there’s enough natural light for you to see properly. If that’s a possibility for you, you should strongly consider installing solar panels on your roof.

The clean energy you’ll be able to produce that way may make your electricity bill a non-existent one and the planet a bit safer. Furthermore, the food you buy for your family should be organic, as organic farming preserves the soil and decreases groundwater pollution. In addition, when your food is seasonal and sourced locally, there is far less air pollution that comes from transporting the food from different parts of the country or even the world. Also, you should try to consume less meat, especially beef, and less dairy. Finally, always keep a few reusable shopping bags at hand, so that you don’t have to reach for paper or single-use plastic ones.

With some slight adjustments to your lifestyle and your routine, you can do plenty for the environment and preserve the world you live in. With these three simple tips, you can become that change you know the planet needs.


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