Home African Caribbean Is The Sanctity Of The ‘Front Room’ Partly Responsible For The General Discipline Of Caribbean People

Is The Sanctity Of The ‘Front Room’ Partly Responsible For The General Discipline Of Caribbean People

by caribdirect

For hundreds of years the manner in which the Caribbean ‘front room’ is kept whether in the Caribbean, the UK or the United States has been the subject of much interest and admiration from other cultures. From the wall decorations, the selection of carpeting, the choice of furniture to the types of ornaments and figurines that are displayed on the mantlepiece, everything seemed choreographed to be in their ordained position.

To say this part of the house is a work of art is an understatement as the preservation of this space is so important and sacrosant that rules have been established for children to follow that are so strict it felt that one was under pain of death to obey.

Here is an account of the importance the ‘front room’ has played in the lives of Caribbean people. 



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