Home Culture & Society In Quietness & Meditation You Will Have Success

In Quietness & Meditation You Will Have Success

by Amanda Alexander

Lifestyle Columnist, Amanda Alexander

We live in an era where we’re daily hearing different voices screaming at us “if you do this you can make £10,000 per day using this technique, or I can help you achieve the life you want just pay a huge sum of money” As this bombardment continues many times there’s a mass ball of confusion, loss of time, resources and nothing changes. I’m not here to preach how you should live your life only you can decide that, the only thing I can recommend is that if you’re living in the land of white noise, stop right where you are and don’t move for one full minute. After that minute is over, take another minute to breathe deeply through your nose and out through your mouth, how do you feel now?

What you’ve just done is taken two minutes out of your day (for free) to focus on you, was that such a bad thing? I hope you felt better as you stepped out of chaos into quietness and tranquility, the Bible says in Isaiah 30:15 “…In quietness and confidence shall be your strength…”.

If you want to navigate your life successfully I encourage you to take time out to be quiet, preferably away from people at least once a day for a few minutes I promise you’ll find it invaluable. I practice such discipline on a daily basis and have found I am better equipped to make sound decisions. I’ve extended this discipline to even disappearing once a year to a country retreat, upon my return I am empowered to eliminate the non-essentials and in some cases people out of my life. I feel so much better and stronger.

Another way to navigate your life in a successful manner is through meditation. Joshua 1:8  states “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful”. To meditate according to the Oxford Lexicon Dictionary means to Focus one’s mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation”.¹ As a Christian I meditate on God’s Word and wait on Him in silence to receive the divine inspiration which strengthens and gives me the direction that I need.

Every time I focus my energy on God’s Word and obey it I always end up with the most amazing results. Whenever I take a detour by trying it my way or a so-called guru recommended alternative I always get it wrong and make a mess of things. In conclusion if you want to successfully navigate your life consider taking some time out of planet noise, be quiet and meditate preferably on God’s Word, you won’t regret it and best of all you can do it all for free!

Until next time, remember you are beautiful and wonderfully made – With love Amanda x          

Amanda Alexander – Founder of Elect Lady Ministries, Female Dignity & Amanda Alexander Productions

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¹ MEDITATE | Definition of MEDITATE by Oxford Dictionary on Lexico.com also meaning of MEDITATE 


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