Home Commentary 4 Reasons Why Everyone Should Play Golf

4 Reasons Why Everyone Should Play Golf

by Sarah Kaminski

For a long time, people thought golf was a sport reserved for businesspeople, the rich, and the famous. But the truth is, this sport has been going through a boom as of late.

According to statistical data, the number of players in the U.S. reached 25.6 million in 2022, showing a slow but steady growth. It’s also worth noting that young people are taking up golfing as a pastime, with Gen Z being particularly drawn to the activity due to its fashion influence.

Whether you’re a fashionista or not shouldn’t impact your willingness to give the sport a go. After all, it has so much more to offer. So, without further ado, here are the four reasons everyone should play golf, regardless of their physical fitness or experience levels.

It’s an Excellent Way to Get Some Fresh Air and Vitamin D

One of the most significant benefits of taking up golf as a hobby is that it’s a sport that’s traditionally practiced outside. And that means it’s an excellent way to do something good for your health.

For one, being outside during the day is a precious opportunity to replenish your stores of vitamin D. Even just a few minutes of sun exposure (with proper protection, of course) can be a great way to boost your immune system, support bone and muscle health, as well as to regulate your circadian rhythm, helping you get better quality sleep.

It’s also worth mentioning that golf provides an opportunity to get some fresh air, which is particularly important to those who spend the majority of their time indoors.

Develop New Skills — Both Physical and Mental

Another benefit of playing golf is that it’s a superb opportunity for growth and self-improvement.

Not only is this sport demanding in terms of hand-eye coordination, but it also requires you to take your motor skills to the next level. It introduces you to a whole new world, giving you the chance to widen your horizons and expand your overall skillset.

For example, many veteran golfers invest in quality equipment like clubs or golf carts. However, all of these require maintenance, care, and occasional upgrades. So, by learning how to do these things yourself, you’re giving yourself the chance to learn several new skills by taking up one hobby.

It’s also worth mentioning that golf can be an excellent method of boosting your emotional and cognitive health. It’s an activity that requires a lot of concentration. And it won’t be easy to learn, which is a great way to work on your patience and self-compassion.

Golf Keeps Your Muscles Engaged without Causing Exhaustion

From a physical perspective, golf is an excellent pastime because it can help you keep fit without causing unnecessary damage.

Though it may not seem hugely demanding, this sport works all the biggest muscle groups in the body. This includes the legs, glutes, back, core, and arms. And because a proper golf swing requires a solid range of motion, taking it up as a hobby is an excellent way to work on some gentle flexibility.

Furthermore, golf games include a solid amount of walking. So, if you’re looking for an opportunity to add more low-impact movement into your life, visiting the green once a week might just be the way to go about it.

It’s important to mention that, by itself, golf does not provide sufficient physical activity for most people. However, if you combine it with a few weekly strength and cardio training sessions, it could be the perfect way to maintain your fitness.

Socialize, Network, or Get Away — It’s Your Choice

Lastly, as you explore the benefits of golf, don’t forget that this activity can be an opportunity to forge new social connections.

Ultimately, widening your social circle is more than a way to invest in your mental health or slow cognitive decline during the later years of your life. It can also be a great way to develop a support system. Plus, it can be a way to open up new doors in terms of your career.

Golf is also something you can do on your own — especially when you need to escape from all of life’s challenges. A solo session where you play nine holes can give you enough time to unwind. Or, if you prefer a more repetitive, skill-building activity, you can head over to a nearby range and practice your swing.

Final Thoughts

Whether you want to pick up a hobby that will allow you to connect with others or something you’ll do by yourself, golf is a great choice. It’s a healthy, low-impact form of exercise. It takes you outside. And it can even be an opportunity to develop new skills, both on and off the course. So, if you’ve always been intrigued, don’t hesitate to give it a go. It might just turn out to be your big passion.


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