Home African Caribbean Winston McKenzie steps up for Lon Mayors race

Winston McKenzie steps up for Lon Mayors race

by caribdirect

In response to left-wing multi-culturalists saying Black people in England are more disposed to identifying themselves as British rather than English, former UKIP commonwealth spokesperson Winston McKenzie, announced his membership of the English Democrats party, last Thursday at the Waldorf Hilton Hotel in London.

Winston McKenzie following the acceptance of his English Democrats London Mayoral endorsement from Robin Tilbrook. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

Winston McKenzie following the acceptance of his English Democrats London Mayoral endorsement from Robin Tilbrook. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

Surrounded by a number of English Democrats officials, well-wishers and friends, the former professional super-welterweight boxer was in form to receive the challenge of representing the English Democrats as their Mayoral candidate for London in May 2016.

Only last year McKenzie accused his former party, UKIP of ignoring his stated interest to enter as a candidate for the upcoming London Mayor. He claimed he was being deliberately held back from advancing up the ranks of the party because of racism at the top.

Winston McKenzie affirming his support for English Democrats. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

Winston McKenzie affirming his support for English Democrats. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

Some say there isn’t a major British political party that Winston McKenzie hasn’t joined apart from the Green Party. In 2001 he joined the Labour Party; Liberal Democrats from 2002 – 2003; Veritas in 2005; Conservative from 2006 to 2008; He ran Independent (2008–2009, 2005, 2003–2004); Unity Party 2009; UKIP 2009 to 2015 and now the English Democrats.

This new move to the English Democrats is seen by critics as yet another move by Winston McKenzie to realise his dream of being the most influential Black politician in Britain in spite of his many political missteps. However, Chairman of the English Democrats, Robin Tilbrook said “…Winston is a great character and one of the most high profile Black English political figures of our day.”

Winston McKenzie highlighting his 4 points under his speech's SAFE theme. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

Winston McKenzie highlighting his 4 points under his speech’s SAFE theme. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

Described in some quarters as ‘an ethnic political gun for hire’, Winston McKenzie accepted his new role as the English Democrats’ London Mayoral candidate with grace, humility and style. As a prelude to his speech he invited the audience to focus on the word SAFE that he presented for all to see. This was to be the overriding theme of his remarks.

McKenzie removed all doubt that he was serious about his candidacy and pledged to keep citizens of London safe through the following initiatives:

  1. He promised to launch an immediate investigation of London’s flood defences to be assured that they are fit for purpose and are capable of withstanding the harshest of weather systems;
  2. McKenzie is passionate about making a significant difference in the fight to curb London’s knife crime. He reckons he will employ the full extent of his ‘professional influences’ to reach Black churches in an attempt to access and eradicate the root causes of knife crime in London.
  3. The general condition of the streets of London was another of McKenzie’s gripes that he has committed himself and his party to correcting. He was unapologetic in his statement that “London streets need and enema! They are dirty and unacceptable” He further said, “Boris should have brought in the water cannons to wash away the filth.”
  4. The new English Democrats candidate listed terrorism as chief among the fears of Londoners, a situation he would work hard to reverse. McKenzie while blaming the heightened security level in the UK on ‘runaway immigration’ he claimed it was immigrants like his forefathers that helped to make Britain Great. He said integration is key to communities protecting themselves and that he would work to promote and improve community cohesion for the benefit of all Londoners.
Winston McKenzie stressing value of Britain leaving EU. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

Winston McKenzie stressing value of Britain leaving EU. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

In closing and in response to a question about the implications of Britain leaving the EU, McKenzie said “I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings but it’s like we’re still fighting a Cold War with Germany…and the only way to truly protect the integrity of the Sterling is to leave the European Union.”  He closed by asserting, ‘as Mayor of London I will: Entertain, Maintain and Sustain the local services in London to keep us “SAFE”…there is work to be done…Let’s get it on. Article and photographs by David F. Roberts  / Twitter: @DavidFRoberts1

Winston McKenzie demonstrating his commitment to keeping Londoners SAFE. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

Winston McKenzie demonstrating his commitment to keeping Londoners SAFE. Photo courtesy CaribDirect


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