Home Culture & Society WHAT DO CARIBBEAN MEN REALLY WANT? Episode 2 – Praise


by caribdirect

The master: Actor Samuel L Jackson

Last time we looked at the importance of ATTENTION to Caribbean men in a relationship. The fact that Caribbean men hate the idea of being ignored or taken for granted by their women. We like the feeling of being appreciated all the time, not sometimes.

Well as promised this week we’ll look at PRAISE and how important it is to a Caribbean man. Now what’s this thing they call PRAISE? Praise in my view is the act of making positive statements about a person. Some say it’s based on achievement or accomplishment but I think a man or a woman can be praised for just being special to their partner. I guess what I’m saying is PRAISE is the opposite of nagging or criticism.

You probably wondering why I think this word PRAISE is so important to a relationship. Well it’s because when I was growing up I remembered how good I felt when my mother used to say I was handsome or my dad said I was brilliant at school work or football. I also remember how bad I felt when women criticised my dancing or singing.

In my opinion the lack of praise in a romantic relationship can contribute to the development of a way of thinking that will cause you to believe the relationship is not worth the effort. Just like being noticed it’s important that we Caribbean men be praised for our looks, physique, intelligence, hard work, performance in bed or whatever it is YOU women find attractive about us. Don’t labour under the feeling that because you said it to us when we met or on the first date that we don’t need to hear it ever again! It’s what keeps us secure that WE are the one that you still want to be with, enjoy and appreciate more than any other.

I think many women forget that many of us guys are constantly being pursued, hunted, played and in many cases tricked into cheating on our women by women who understand the dynamics of relationships and can see the signs of a wonting or needy man.

It’s funny that we men get labelled DOGS when we succumb to the charm and seduction of a beautiful woman who has done her homework on us and launched a successful attack on our vulnerability. When it all could have been avoided if the woman in our life was attentive and protective of her man and not complacently thinking ‘he’s mine…he ain’t going anywhere!’

Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying men are right to cheat if their woman isn’t pawing sufficient attention and not praising them to boost their self esteem and ego to make them more secure…No I’m not saying that at all. What I’m saying is…Women just like us men, need to be vigilant and keep working at the relationship. Don’t take your man for granted. Tell him you love him every day. Tell him why you love him maybe not every day but frequently and the winning formula for keeping your man is to praise him for his attributes…It’s bound to wuk ‘cos ah me Vibot Seh So!


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