Home African Caribbean Your Purpose Is In You

Your Purpose Is In You

by Amanda Alexander

Lifestyle Columnist, Amanda Alexander

Many times I hear phrases like ‘what’s my purpose? I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing, or I feel useless’, and on and on the narrative continues. Did you know that you don’t have to go far at all to discover what your purpose is. In fact your purpose or reason for being on the earth was already in you on the day you were born. Very few people are awakened to their purpose and destiny, in fact they were so clued into themselves that when the purpose manifested itself, people would look in amazement and say ‘they were born for that’!!! 

There are various reasons we don’t know what our purpose is, because the trials and tests of life can bury it so deep within our soul that we don’t realise it’s there. Other factors include, thinking that we need a lot of money before we can make a start, or we’ve been dogged out and insulted all our life that we truly believe that we’re  incapable of doing anything. 

In my case, the trials and tests of life were so severe, that first of all I didn’t know my identity. I did whatever jobs I could to keep a roof over mine and my children’s head. I didn’t really enjoy being an employee, I always loved the idea of working for myself, but failed at many junctures. Those failures were learning processes which have helped me become the successful lady I am today. 

I also believed that I needed a lot of money, which was definitely a misconception. The first thing to do when you have a strong idea is write the vision. The book of Habakkuk in the bible chapter 2, verse 2 states “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it”. This means that in order to understand what you want to do it needs to be plainly written, so that others can read it and decide whether they want to help you or not. I have found that the clearer I write or explain what ‘Female Dignity’ is all about, the more people are wanting to help and come onboard. It’s fantastic how I’m seeing my business and charity explode. 

You’re reading the article of a lady who was rejected, marginalised, insulted by many who should have been there to protect and love her, yes me. My faith in God brought me to a healthy place to understand and believe that I’m beautiful, loved and accepted by Him. I had to be healed from all the trauma that afflicted me, all the anger and bitterness that was consuming me, and know that in order to receive love, I had to give it. Once I understood those things, the dreams and purposes in my life came to the surface. They were no longer hidden by anything ugly in my heart. 

Have a look at what you’re naturally good at, that is a huge indicator of what you’ve been placed on this earth to do, it’s your purpose. Sharpen that skill and talent through education if necessary. Do not leave this planet without fulfilling your purpose, you were born with it. It’s your gift to the earth. And you know what? You will also live a life of peace, joy and love, because you’re being who you were created by God to be! 

So until next time, remember that you are beautiful and wonderfully made – With love Amanda x             

 Amanda Alexander is a Pastor, Teacher, TV Media Journalist

Founder of Female Dignity, Warrior Women, Amanda Alexander Productions. She serves on the leadership team of New Life Church in Bishops Stortford and is ministry coordinator for Patrick’s Mission

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