Home Commentary Who’s Vision are you Following?

Who’s Vision are you Following?

by caribdirect

Lifestyle Columnist, Amanda Alexander

Vision is very powerful, it has the capacity to drive the direction of our lives. It can determine whether our life is a success or failure. We can be controlled and manipulated by the vision of others when we don’t know our own. Vision can operate generationally and on a subconscious level, many have died physically and spiritually without vision¹ 

So what is vision? According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary² one of the meanings of this word is “a thought, concept, or object formed by the imagination”. It appears that vision is not tangible nor something that can be seen initially by others, but only by the respective individual. Hence the reason why Television is used as a mechanism to transfer stories from the invisible to the visible realm. The word ‘Television’ could be broken down to mean ‘A person telling their vision on a screen for all to see’.In this article I will use the power of television to show how vision can successfully impact or derail our lives. 

Television media is a great global tool to bring unseen stories into the seen world, which can play a part in the shaping and path of our life. As a Christian lady in my prayer time I ask God to give me His vision first for my life which He always does. For example my charity ‘Female Dignity’ came from a time of seeking God, upon my hearing the plight of girls and women menstrual health issues in developing countries³. God showed me what to do to create female empowerment in those countries. 

I truly believe that when we obey first and foremost what God has placed in our hearts, every area of our lives is successful, and I don’t just mean financial. I’m fulfilled in knowing that my skills and abilities help others around the world. When we watch television either to gather information to enhance what God has placed in our spirit or wholesome entertainment this too contributes to living a fruitful life! 

Sadly, many don’t use their television for such purposes but instead it’s used for watching negative TV content, i.e. horror movies, porn, drama orientated soaps etc. All these things are poison to our spirit, soul and body, it pollutes and hinders the possibility of not seeing and embracing the vision that God has for our life, which will eventually lead to failure. 

I want to encourage you to check which vision you are following, is it God’s or man’s perception for your life. God will give you the vision of how to manage your finances, your family, life, career etc. If you’ve concluded that the vision for your life is going in the wrong direction, make the switch today and focus on what God has shown you to do. Not only will your life be a success but also your future generations, you definitely will have good success according to the book of Joshua in the bible, Chapter 1, verse 8.

Until next time, remember you are beautiful and wonderfully made – With love Amanda x                  

 Amanda Alexander is a Pastor, Teacher, TV Media Journalist

Founder of Female Dignity & Amanda Alexander Productions

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Disclaimer: This disclaimer informs readers that the views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to CaribDirect Multi-Media Ltd. 

¹ Proverbs 29:18 KJV – Where there is no vision, the people – Bible Gateway

² Vision | Definition of Vision by Merriam-Webster

³ Home | Female Dignity 


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