Please note, this article is not written to spin a negative reflection on social media but for us to ask the question ‘Who and What is Leading Us? If we are solely dependent on human beings to guide or lead our lives, we will be severely disappointed as none of us are perfect, we all make mistakes and let people down. In order to live life on earth we should look outside of each other as none of us fully understand the circle of life. As a Christian I look to God to sustain me with all the wisdom, knowledge and understanding that I need to live because at the end of the day according to ‘The Holy Bible’ we are made in His image and likeness, He is the same yesterday, today and forever, this proves that God is stable unlike us, I know some of you will disagree with me but that’s perfectly fine.
I want to encourage you that you’re not alone on this journey of life, you may be stuck between a rock and a hard place right now, and unsure what to do. You’ve read all the self-help-personal development books, and may have exhausted the ears of friends and family, yet still you have no answers on how to proceed forward with what’s going on in your life right now.
As a Christian Journalist I’m letting you know that you’re not alone, Jesus wants to be the Shepherd to lead and guide you into green pastures, quiet waters and restore your soul² despite the contrary circumstances you’re encountering, why not consider giving him a chance to prove Himself to you.
Recently I’ve had to depend on God more than ever with the disappearance of my dear mother and the death of a friend. The stability and peace I continue to experience is profound, if it wasn’t for God I don’t know where I’d be, I’m truly a walking testimony of His grace and mercy, and I would dearly love if you gave Him a chance to be there for you too, He is indeed the best influencer and the only one qualified to lead, guide and change our lives for the better.
If you’re unsure how to connect with God, I highly recommend reading this beautifully illustrated, simply written 62 page book by Patrick Daly called ‘The Amazing Gospel Story’, which can be purchased from Amazon Amazing Gospel Story: An illustrated guide to the gospel ‘Good News’ of Jesus Christ: Daly, Patrick: 9781838160227: Books You can also watch Patrick’s teaching on his book at (8102) The Amazing Gospel Story for everyone in the world. Full Message 01 (Detailed) – YouTube
Until next time, remember you are beautiful and wonderfully made – With love Amanda x
Amanda Alexander is a Pastor, Teacher, TV Media Journalist. Founder of Female Dignity & Amanda Alexander Productions
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² Psalm 23 NIV – A psalm of David. The LORD is my – Bible Gateway