Home African Caribbean Where Is Home?

Where Is Home?

by Amanda Alexander

Lifestyle Columnist, Amanda Alexander

This week’s article was submitted to my editor late because something extraordinary was taking place in my life which overshadowed everything in my immediate vicinity. I had no idea about what to write about on Sunday and Monday morning I hadn’t received any divine inspiration until now, while sitting on my veranda overlooking the St Lucia sea, on Wednesday morning.

You see I hadn’t been back to St Lucia for nearly 50 years due to reasons which I will not go into right now. As the wheels of the plane touched down, I couldn’t speak, as waves of various emotions enveloped me and then the voice of God said in my heart “it is finished. Nothing unclean, uncircumcised and unconducive to my well-being will ever touch me again”. During the plane journey I watched ‘The Return of the King’ from the trilogy of ‘The Lord of The Rings’. During a scene the character Arwen was carrying a dying Frodo while being frantically chased by seven ferocious enemies on black horses wearing black hoods with no faces, they wanted Frodo because he carried the eternal gold ring.

Arwen’s white horse outran the enemies and when she arrived on her side of the river, she drew her sword and said ‘if you want him come and get him”. The riders stopped, at this point Arwen prayed and an army of horses rode to her rescue and defeated the enemies. The Spirit of God spoke to me this morning and said “the clicking sounds you heard in your spirit when you arrived at Hewanorra International Airport in St Lucia were all the pieces coming together in your life because you are now home. You can now summon help through prayer even more powerfully from heaven and whatever you need which is in accordance with my word will be given to and done for you. You will now preached the Gospel of the Kingdom to all nations my child because you now know your earthly and spiritual identity and home”.

For Arwen to be empowered to defeat the enemy she had to go home, and it’s the same for me and you. But what is home? For me it’s that place in you’re spirit where you know you belong, without question and debate, without being shaken if anyone tells you to go home, it’s that place of acceptance and love. Yes, I was born in the UK, however because of the many unfortunate circumstances I’d previously encountered I never felt settled in my spirit, soul and body. I’m loved and embraced by many, and I love different countries especially Ireland and Brazil, but was always searching, now I see that I was looking for my own home.

Home for you may mean something different but it is essential that you find it, otherwise you’ll struggle to live a God ordained fulfilled life on this earth. Like Arwen I’m home and receiving all the spiritual and earthly benefits and I dearly want the same for you.

For the first time in my life I didn’t sense that I had to fight for a place to call home, it was automatically given because of my birthright, my beautiful late parents George and Lilian Alexander were born on the beautiful Island of St Lucia. But like Arwen had to carry Frodo to help him get well and complete his mission, God had to carry and heal me so I could obey His mission to the wonderful people of St Lucia.

If you’re feeling displaced in your spirit, soul and body, it could be because you’re not home, finding home for me included all the above plus the geographical element. As a Christian I went to God in prayer, and He’s restored everything, He can do the same for you, just ask Him.

As I listen to the gentle lapping of the sea and the cock crowing in the yard, it is clear that I also missed those sounds, all I can say today is thank you God for bringing me home, I now feel complete!

So until next time, remember you are beautiful and wonderfully made – With love Amanda x

Amanda Alexander is a Pastor, Teacher, TV Media Journalist

Founder of Female Dignity, Warrior Women & Amanda Alexander Productions

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Amanda Alexander

Amanda Alexander

Amanda Alexander is a TV Media Journalist, Founder & Managing Director of ‘Amanda Alexander Productions’. A Christian company committed to writing and producing Christian content.

She’s also the Founder and Director of Female Dignity, an organisation dedicated to providing machinery to girls and women in developing countries to make feminine products utilising the raw materials in their town/country.

As well as being an ordained Pastor and Minister of the gospel Amanda runs her ministry ‘Warrior Women’ which empowers ladies to live and walk in the ‘Fear of the Lord’. She also serves on the leadership team of New Life Church and as a ministry coordinator for Patrick’s Mission.

A Christian for over 25 years Amanda loves people and is adventurous. To contact Amanda please visit her website www.femaledignity.co.uk [email protected] or 07494444064.


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Anita James June 23, 2022 - 4:35 am

Love that picture welcoming to Canaries.

Amanda Alexander June 23, 2022 - 11:17 am

Good morning and thank you Anita

Anita James June 23, 2022 - 4:32 am

Love the analogy abd message. Always importznt to find home and know where it is. Welcome home, Amanda. St. Lucia loves you and is proud that you are one of us.

Amanda Alexander June 23, 2022 - 11:18 am

I’m so pleased that you like the analogy and message. I’m honoured to be home and I love my sweet St Lucia


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