Lifestyle Columnist, Amanda Alexander
Today’s Word with Amanda
Whether you believe Jesus Christ was the Son of God or not, all religions agree that He was a kind man. Can the same be said about us, and if not then what should we do about it? This article is not written to condemn but to encourage everyone, we’ve all made mistakes in life which is part of our humanity.
In the film ‘Amazing Grace’ (based on the life of the late slave abolitionist William Wilberforce, 1759-1833), Mr Wilberforce declared what he was called by God to bring about “the reformation of society and the abolition of the slave trade” . The suffragettes fought for the woman’s right to vote, it’s clearly stated in history what both these very different movements stood for.
The life that we are all currently living, will it leave a positive legacy for others to continue to build on? Or will life end with us, and no-one apart from our family will know we ever existed? Recently I was challenged to really think about why I’m a TV Media Journalist, what will I use my skills and voice for, would my focus be on temporal matters that have no earthly or eternal value, or will I focus my stories on that which will edify, uplift, add eternal value and ultimately bring glory to God?
This article is written to inspire, motivate and challenge your way of thinking. As we wade ourselves out of COVID-19 and its effects. Ask yourself what do you stand for? You are an amazing, intelligent girl/woman, with talents and skills to change the world for the better. You may have gone through hell and high water to be the person you are today, don’t let anything from your negative past hinder you from taking the stand to be what God created you for.
Photo courtesy WikiMedia
As I reflect on this question today of what I actually stand for, I realise that my life (regardless of the things I had previously suffered) is to bring God’s love, healing and restoration to women who were terrorised by the storms of life and didn’t know how to get up again. I also know I’m a voice for the voiceless, and that I can bring understanding to others by producing stories to help them overcome their life’s struggles.
I’m sure like me you want to leave a legacy on the earth that is everlasting. History is littered with great multi-cultural heroes from all walks of life that still impact our lives today. Add your name to that list, you can change lives too!
Questions to ask yourself.:
- Ask 3 people in your life to describe you?
- Compare each of the descriptions, are they consistent with each other?
- If they are… great, but if not whatever doesn’t match up then change it?
I encourage you to do what needs to be done for you and others to see what you stand for! Until next time, remember you are beautiful and wonderfully made – With love Amanda x
Amanda Alexander is the founder of Elect Lady Ministries & Amanda Alexander Productions All rights reserved ©
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