Home Culture & Society Western Union Jamaica 50th National Domino League

Western Union Jamaica 50th National Domino League

by caribdirect

The Western Union Jamaica 50th National Domino League kicked off on Saturday, May 5 with matches in three zones – Leicester vs. Wolverhampton, Luton vs. Untouchables of Birmingham and Clapham vs. Rugby. Saturday, May 12 saw a nail-biting finish with Clapham overcoming Bristol with a score of 141 to 140 in Bristol; Croydon, who hosted Luton beat them 141 to 110. Sponsor- premier Caribbean food giant – Grace Foods is also providing hampers to each home team and Jewel Isle Rum Punch is providing a bottle of rum punch to each  home team for raffles; leading Caribbean mobile top-up provider, Digicel and Wray & Nephew  are the other sponsors.

For the first time, over thirty teams will be participating in a national league that has attracted teams from the length and breadth of the UK and the competition promises to be a real fest of dominoes, camaraderie and sportsmanship – showcasing the best domino talent in the UK.

Teams who failed to meet the application deadline  will not be left out of the fun, as there will be an additional Western Union Jamaica 50th Roadshow which will be rolling across the UK giving those who are not in the league the chance to participate in the extravaganza. All matches are  played on  Saturdays throughout the four zones in the UK. The public is invited to view matches. For details of games and results, venues and teams visit the Western Union  Jamaica 50th National Domino League website www.nationaldominoleague.co.uk ; email [email protected] or call 07947511065.



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