The White Rose Social Sciences Doctoral Training Partnership (comprising Uni of Leeds, Uni of Bradford, Uni of Sheffield, Uni of York, Man Met Uni, Sheffield Hallam and Uni of Hull) have advertised two PhD studentships for Black British students.
The awards are in collaboration with Stuart Hall Foundation and successful candidates would commence the studentship in October 2023. See here for details
stuart-hall-foundation-awards/ . Black British background is self-defined by applicants and includes those who self-identify as Black British African, Black British Caribbean, Mixed Black, Black British Other. If you know of any 3rd year undergraduate students, current Masters students or other people who would be interested in this opportunity, please forward this e-mail to them. There is an online information session on 26th October (online and will be recorded) to find out more about the studentships. This session is for potential applicants and potential supervisors so please go along if you think you might end up supporting a student with an application.
For further details contact: Dr Dharmi Kapadia
Senior Lecturer in Sociology | Member of Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE) | Co-Investigator Evidence for Equality National Survey (EVENS) |Co-Lead of the CoDE Early Career Race Network | Room 3.047 Arthur Lewis Building, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL | Tel: 0161 275 8902 | Twitter @DharmiKapadia
Two Top Institutions Collaborate To Provide PhD Studentships For Black British students
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