Home African Caribbean TT High Commissioner calls for role models

Caribbean News. Addressing a packed St Peter’s Church in London, His Excellency Garvin Nicholas issued a call for a new generation of role models of the calibre of the late Justice Ulric Cross ORTT, CM, DSO, DFC. The occasion was the Trinidad and Tobago High Commission’s Tribute to Justice Cross which took place on Saturday 8th February.

Justice Ulric Cross. Photo courtesy groups.yahoo.com

Justice Ulric Cross. Photo courtesy groups.yahoo.com

In recounting Justice Cross’ legacy as a true hero and patriot, H.E. Nicholas called for citizens of Trinidad and Tobago to emulate Cross’ sense of honour, commitment to service, loyalty to his country and drive to help his fellow man.

“Justice Ulric Cross was a man who not only served Trinidad and Tobago tirelessly, but dedicated his existence to the preservation of justice and democracy on an international scale,” the High Commissioner declared. “His was a distinguished life, a life very well lived. Now more than ever, our society dearly needs role models like Justice Ulric Cross”.

H.E. Nicholas emphasised his appeal for his countrymen to follow Cross’ stellar example and strive towards positive national advancement. “May his memory serve to motivate us all to go above and beyond as he did, and to lead lives which will be models of courage and honour for future generations”.

Justice Cross was renowned in the United Kingdom as one of the most decorated West Indian squadron leaders of World War II. In addition to his positions as a Judge, Chairman of the Law Reform Commission of Trinidad and Tobago, and Chairman of the Commonwealth Foundation, Justice Cross served as High Commissioner for Trinidad and Tobago in London from 1990-1993.

The Tribute was attended by dignitaries such as High Commissioner for the Republic of Cameroon, His Excellency Nkwelle Ekaney, distinguished servicemen of the Royal Air Force, members of the legal community, and close friends and family members including Justice Cross’ children Lady Sue Hollick, Nicola Cross and Richard Finch.

Reverend Squadron Leader Michael Chatfield spoke on behalf of the Royal Air Force, and lauded Justice Cross’ bravery and leadership. He recalled Justice Cross’ daring missions as a serviceman flying over 80 sorties, and praised his determination to uphold justice and equality around the world. “The Royal Air Force is deeply indebted to this great man,” concluded Squadron Leader Chatfield.

Tributes were also given by the Right Honourable Lord Eatwell, President of Queens’ College, Cambridge, and Ms. Lisa Forrell, Theatre Director and Lawyer, who both spoke of Justice Cross’ insatiable love for life, canny wit and passion for law, as well as his loathing for corruption of any kind.

HC Nicholas Ulric Cross Tribute

H.E. Nkwelle Ekaney, emphasised Justice Cross’ invaluable contribution to the development of the justice system in post-colonial Africa, “As Attorney General for West Cameroon, Justice Cross shaped essential policies and his memory is eternally engraved in the hearts and minds of the people of Cameroon”.

Justice Cross’ granddaughter, The Honourable Abigail Hollick, gave a moving tribute to her beloved grandfather, making a quip about his wealth of knowledge, “Before there was Google, there was Grampa”.

In her vote of thanks, Justice Cross’ daughter Lady Sue Hollick articulated her deep gratitude to H.E. Nicholas for organising such a meaningful and memorable celebration of her father’s life.


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