Dear Authentic Chick,
What is the world coming to? I am so hopping mad. It has this man who thinks he is God’s gift to us women. He had the audacity to be telling me that I am ugly. I had attached some extensions to my eyelashes that my Aunt sent for me last year. I find it disturbing that he was laughing at me when I knew that I was well dressed. I looked in the mirror okay. I know my beauty spots and how to accentuate the positives. Thank you for giving me a few choice words to fire back at him.
Eyelash me!
Dear Eyelash me!
Sounds like you have had a terrible encounter with this guy. Who is he to tell you about your eyelashes?
Anyway, be careful with eyelash extensions and the applications thereof. Tons of information are available on the internet and I read something recently about alopecia. Seems that there is information about alopecia which should be heeded. Besides that, you must continue to be smart about applications of eyelashes to your natural lashes.
Observe all the necessary safeguards and do your thing.
Can you imagine if you were seen without those lashes? Finally, ignore those who make fun of you. I am sure that you are a beautiful person. Forget the choice words. No need to fuss and worry about those who can only laugh at what they can’t put their hands on!
Authentic Chick