Lifestyle Columnist, Amanda Alexander
Today’s Word with Amanda
The next topic I want to focus on in ‘The Beauty’ series is called ‘The Beauty of Rejection’. This painful emotion is often accepted negatively. However, I want to zoom in on the positiveness of being rejected, many times we believe the rejection comes because of something we’ve done. I hope this article will encourage you to believe otherwise.
Part of the Cambridge Dictionary definition of rejection is ‘the act of refusing to accept…’. For the purposes of this article I’m focusing on that part. When we’re refused in a romantic relationship, we immediately perceive that we’re not good enough for that person. Have you ever thought that maybe, that person cannot receive your love because they genuinely do not have love within themselves to give?
Yes, that’s one painful kick in the gut, but rejection in this instance is truly a blessing in disguise, would you really want to be with someone who gave sub-standard not full love to you? Take a step back, be quiet and still, look at that person and yourself, then you’ll see why they had to let you go, once you understand this you’ll feel a lot better within yourself.
Rejection…Photo Courtesy of Canva
How about the job you applied for, your heart was set on it, you’re convinced it’s yours, you ticked all their boxes, smashed the interview and then got the devastating news that you didn’t get the position. Bang, another rejection and boy does it hurt. Again take a step back, look at the company and ask yourself, ‘would I have really been happy there?’ your answer will surprise you. Please hear my heart, I’m not saying rejection is a pleasant experience but it is a blessing because it will force you to go back to the drawing board to re-strategize the next phase of your life. I’ve had to re-evaluate my life during the various painful throes of rejection; was it easy? No, but was it worth it? Yes, and the results are that I’m living and enjoying my life today.
I understand that there are some going through the terrible pain of rejection right now and can’t yet see the blessing in it. According to Harley Therapy rejection can lead to, ‘further feelings of low self-esteem, depression and anxiety, social anxiety disorder, intimacy issues, extreme loneliness’. Therefore, I recommend that a person should seek professional help if suffering from any of the above symptoms. The Harley Therapy Psychotherapy & Counselling in London can be contacted at,
Questions to ask yourself.:
- Have you been rejected in a job or personal relationship?
- Did you blame yourself? If yes…why?
- Have you taken a step back to analyse the whole situation?
- Can you see why the person/job didn’t marry together?
- What will be your next steps?
- If the rejection has led to the consequences as listed above by Harley Therapy, please consider getting professional help.
Until next time, remember you are beautiful and wonderfully made – If you’d like to discuss this you may reach me on – With love Amanda x.
Amanda Alexander is the founder of Elect Lady Ministries & Amanda Alexander Productions All rights reserved ©
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