Home African Caribbean The African Caribbean Sustainability & Investment Summit (ACSIS) Picks Up Momentum

The African Caribbean Sustainability & Investment Summit (ACSIS) Picks Up Momentum

by caribdirect

With only five months away from the much talked about African Caribbean Sustainability & Investment Summit (ACSIS) to be held in London, November 21-23, 2024, ACSIS continues to gather momentum.

Organised by HenleyCaribbean Sustainable Ventures, ACSIS aims to bring together key diaspora stakeholders from the African and Caribbean business communities of the United Kingdom to discuss and strategize sustainable investments across various sectors.

UK based entrepreneurs with heritage links to Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Rwanda, Saint Lucia and Jamaica will participate in panel discussions, roundtable discussions and workshops to discuss business best practice on fours sectors, Agriculture, Cybersecurity, Climate Change and Tourism.

Presentations will be delivered over three days at three separate venues. Day I will focus on high-level roundtable meetings ‘Business Meets Diplomacy,’ involving African and Caribbean High Commissioners / Ambassadors and diplomatic staff, at the UK House of Lords. Rwanda High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, H.E. Johnston Busingye is expected to participate by delivering an address to the delegates. Day II will focus on cybersecurity, tourism and investment at Lloyds of London; and Day III will address matters pertaining to agriculture, climate change and diaspora engagement.

Chairman of ACSIS, David F. Roberts, expressed how delighted he is at the level of interest coming from the seven participating countries and the importance of the delivery of an academic White Paper on the impact of cybersecurity on diaspora business.

Roberts is also quite pleased at the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with world renowned Leaders Without Borders Development Centre (LWB) a highly respected global organisation focused on improving leadership and entrepreneurial skills within the African communities while creating an environment for trade and investment. LWB Founder and Principal Partner, Amb. Dr. Hillary Emoh deemed the partnership ‘A critical and timely step in the right direction and this union sets the stage for untold possibilities in Africa and the Caribbean.’



ACSIS was conceived following the successful Guyana Diaspora Sustainability & Investment Conference (GDSIC), November 18th and 19th 2023 where one significant outcome was the statement by London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) Director of Sustainable Finance and Investment, Mr Ibukun Adebayo, which suggested he had ideas about how the Exchange could help Guyana improve its international credit rating. That event also witnessed presentations from senior Guyana government officials, Dr Peter Ramsaroop, Chief Investment Officer and Ms Rosalinda Rasul, Head, Diaspora Affairs Unit.

Feedback from GDSIC inspired the genesis of ACSIS to broaden the concept scope to include Africa thereby bridging the socio-economic and cultural gap that inhibits optimal trade and investment between Africa and the Caribbean at diaspora level. For details on how to register for the Summit or buy tickets Email: [email protected] or visit www.africancaribbeansummit.com   



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