Home News by RegionAnguilla News Tessanne Chin’s voice – can it compete?
Staff Writer - Kerran Monroe

Staff Writer – Kerran Monroe

In Jamaica news. So Miss Tessanne Chin has Jamaicans at home glued to their television screens on Monday and Tuesday nights, celebrating, “bussing blanks” and “beating fences like it’s an Olympic or World Championship year.  Week after week, Tessanne wows the judges with her performances.

In the battle rounds, she killed her performance with fellow contestant, Donna.  Donna, a contestant with amazing vocals as well, was a strong contender in terms of her vocal ability.

However, in the end, Adam announced Tess as the winner of the battle.  With the opportunity to steal Donna, the contestant with the Tina Turner like vocals; the other judges didn’t even budge.  In my opinion, Donna was booted because she was not marketable enough for the music industry.

Tessanne Chin. tvline.com

Tessanne Chin. tvline.com

Donna’s age served as a major obstacle to her advancement.  Now this is just my opinion.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that Tess advanced by default.  I am just making the case, as to why she was not stolen by any of the judges.

Even Blake, who gave her the winnings over Tessanne, for that battle, didn’t think twice about stealing her.  Also, that battle was epic, as it was really close; so one would think that the loser of such a battle would have the other three judges fighting to steal her.

Anyway, moving on, after that was the knockout round where that matchup was no contest really.  Tess went up against a contestant by the name of Ashley.  Tess killed that performance; there was not a doubt about who the winner was.

Matthew Schuler. Photo courtesy hollywoodlife.com

Matthew Schuler. Photo courtesy hollywoodlife.com

So after that round, Tess advanced to the live shows.  Two live shows have passed so far, and of course our girl made it through both.  However, I am keeping an eye on that Matthew guy.  He is really good.  Also, it seems, his and Tess’s family are competing to see who can make the most noise in the audience each week.


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