Home Entertainment TEACHA’S PET EPISODE 9


by caribdirect

Staff writer - Kerran Monroe

I hereby dub this episode Booze and Drama.  The girls were taken to the Wray and Nephew plant on Spanish Town Road where they were given instructions on how to make cocktails, after which they were to follow the instructions and use some creativity to make Kartel a drink.  The judges for this event were Vybz Kartel himself, Milk, the substitute teacher and the prefect, Popcaan.  Here are the judges’ comments on the girls and how they did in that challenge:

So Sick Tia:  Popcaan thought she did well but he also thought she should have washed her hands.  Hygiene is very important Tia.  A man does not want a nasty woman.

Salem:  Salem made a drink with some whipped cream on top but too bad for her, her nails were too long and they got in the drink.  (Eeew).  You better cut them nails girl.

Kati/Boston:  She made something with cherry on top, however she used her bare hands to take the cherry from the bottle and the judges did not take too keenly to that.

Trini:  Apparently Trini’s nose was just out of control during that challenge and the judges did not like that.  According to them she came out and just started smelling everything she was using, yes including the food.  However, Kartel liked and appreciated that she made a non alcoholic drink, since according to him, he does not drink anymore.

Tami:  All they had to say about her was that her “drink neva nice”.  Oh and she almost knocked her teeth out, while shaking the cocktail mixer.

Atlanta:  Kartel thought she used her hands way too much and to top it all off she did not even wash them.  Also she constantly tasted the items she was using.  He also thought she over did things and ended up making a fool of herself as usual.

Brooklyn:  So Brooklyn just came into the bar and she first words were that she needed a drink.  And what did she do?  She made herself a drink.  So of course she did the worst in the challenge.  Instead of making Kartel a drink, she made herself a drink.  Ah boy.

So from that challenge, we get the idea that there are some hygiene issues in the house.  Anyway that was the booze now on to the drama.

So there are rumors going around about whom is sleeping with whom.  Allegations made by Tia are that Trini is sleeping with the Chef and Brooklyn is sleeping with the watchman.  Trini neither denied nor affirmed the rumor, she just laughed.  In Trini’s defense, Salem said that Tia was just fabricating lies against Trini as she sees Trini as a threat.  As for Brooklyn, in her defense, she took an unused sanitary napkin (pad) from her handbag and waved it in front of Kartel, to which he took offense.

So there you have it Booze and Drama.  No one was eliminated by the way.

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