Home Entertainment TEACHA’S PET EPISODE 6


by caribdirect

Staff writer - Kerran Monroe

The activity in episode 6 was body painting.  Again, the ladies were suppose to be creative, create a design and the body painters painted whatever the ladies wanted, on their ladies.  Of course, a lot of the girls went topless.

Some of the girls who went topless were Trini who painted a butterfly on her back in her national colours, black, red and white, the national colours of Trinidad.  Tami also went topless, she painted herself as a cheetah and Tia went topless as well.

After they were spray painted the ladies were to perform in the Vybz Kartel music video for his song, “Different Type a girl” which is also the theme song for the show.  This being the Pet Mansion, of course, there had to be some drama.  Apparently there are some rumors in the house that Lola is having an affair with one of the men that apparently work at the mansion or maybe he is a friend or associate of Vybz Kartel.  His significance to the show is not known, but the other ladies are speculating that the two are getting cozy.  Also there are claims being made that she (Lola) is constantly sleeping out.

Now as it relates to the activity for the day, Kartel said the body art which

Teacha's Pet girls (Photo: Urban Islandz)

struck him the most was Tia’s and Tami’s.  Not surprisingly, since Tia said she gave Tami the idea the paint herself as a cheetah since she is bald headed and has the blond hair and I must say that I really liked Tami’s body art as well.

Of course the drama did not finish with Lola’s suspected affair.  There was also a fight at the mansion.  During the video shoot, when Atlanta was doing her thing, apparently jealousy struck Tami.  As soon as Atlanta was finished doing her seen and was walking pass Tami, Tami pushed her into the pool.  Atlanta of course did not back from the challenge, so she got out of the water and the fight stared.

Unfortunately much of the fight was not shown on television.  So all I know is that some stilettos were involved.  The Teach’ had mixed reactions about the incident.  On one hand he was like, it’s never a good thing to fight at the mansion, especially when the teacher is there and on the other he was like “It was really funny though.”  But I got the feeling he found it more amusing than anything else.

And that is what took place at the Pet Mansion last week.

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