Home African Caribbean Talented Jamaican Teenager Featured on CNN

At only 18 years of age, this teenager from Jamaica is certainly making all the right moves to ensure that he succeeds in life.

Radcliffe Saddler has already been interviewed by CNN, spoken at Harvard, earned an Associate Degree and he starts his new job as an associate analyst for IBM Market Development and Insights today.

IBM selected only the most outstanding students from his former high school P-TECH and offered those students jobs. A son of Kingston, Radcliffe has two younger brothers Theodore and Anthony aged, 17 and 11 respectively.

His father Radcliffe Saddler Sr. is also a son of Kingston and his mother Claudette Saddler hails from the garden parish.

We at Jamaica TakeOut truly love to see when Jamaicans excel, particularly youngsters. We managed to get in touch with Radcliffe despite his busy schedule to have him share a few words. Here is what he shared with us: I was born in Kingston Jamaica. I am the oldest of three in my family who came to America in search of a better life. Throughout my experiences in school I always tried to work hard. I attended Pathways into Technology Early College High School. While completing my high school diploma I earned my Associate Degree in Applied Science from New York City College of Technology. In addition to completing my studies I also played on athletic teams from my school. In my second year of High School I played basketball. In my fourth year of High School I played on the school’s soccer team.

Photo courtesy http://jamaicatakeout.com

Photo courtesy http://jamaicatakeout.com

I have experienced many great things in life. When I was making my decision to attend High School I wasn’t accepted to the High School of my choice. I graduated the Valedictorian of my Middle School. I never received a letter of acceptance from any of the High Schools that I originally intended to attend. I ended up trying again for the next round of High Schools.

During my time at High School I always pushed myself to do better. It was a six year program but I knew I could do the whole program in four years. During my third year at P-TECH the president came to visit my school. My principal chose me because I was performing at such a high level and because of my character. My principal knew I would make the school proud. During that event I was nervous but I knew it had to be done I couldn’t let me family and Jamaica down.

I have also done many interviews and panels. I spoke at Harvard University on this new innovation with public school education. I recently just graduated the High school and New York City College of Technology.

My Beliefs

I believe that people can change the future by applying themselves and keeping a positive outlook on life. I also strongly believe this “For everyone to whom much is given, of him shall much be required” Article courtesy http://jamaicatakeout.com/


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