Home News by RegionAnguilla News Summertime Gala Concert hits the mark

For a community that has largely been known for being cavalier about our health, the Black African and Caribbean community made an impressive showing at the recently held Summertime Gala Concert at St John’s Square in London on 29 June 2013.

St John’s Square CaribDirect

This event which started on time was the brainchild of  Susan Haynes-Elcock a diabetic passionate about educating and raising the awareness of the effects of diabetes generally but more particularly, in the African and Caribbean community.

Abigail Kelly CaribDirect

Abigail Kelly

Susan knowing full well the healing properties of music decided to host this special evening of classical music as her organisation’s annual diabetes fundraiser for DiabeticDiva’s community project ‘Let’s Cook for Diabetes and its charity partner Diabetes UK.

Abigail Kelly CaribDirect

Abigail Kelly

The main attraction on this cool Saturday evening was the remarkable Abigail Kelly who adorned the stage with grace, elegance and a confidence that made her appear larger than life itself.

Adam Gibbs CaribDirect

Adam Gibbs

Abigail a seasoned performer of both national and international experience thrilled the expectant audience that clapped rapturously in a show of appreciation and admiration.

Summertime Gala audience CaribDirect

Summertime Gala audience

Adam Gibbs another young but shy black British classical musician serenaded the audience to Jamaican Rhumba pieces that were so compelling that they seemed to transport the audience to a world free of stress, war and all the ills of our troubled society.

Summertime Gala audience CaribDirect

Guests speaking with Tony Kelly (Father of Abigail Kelly)

The duo were brilliantly supported by Jo Ramadan on piano an accompanist also familiar with the big stage.

Abigail and Adam CaribDirect

Abigail and Adam

Abigail’s renditions on Caribbean folklore went down a treat as she sang with such authenticity it felt, we the audience were witnessing an enactment of an historic colonial plantation experience.

Abigail doing Caribbean FolkloreCaribDirect

Abigail doing Caribbean Folklore

Even at 11pm when the curtain came down with a VIP After Concert Reception, patrons were somewhat reluctant to leave hoping for some last minute change to allow the journey to continue… just a little longer.

Abigail doing Caribbean FolkloreCaribDirect

Abigail doing Caribbean Folklore

About Diabetes

As a medical condition that relies mainly on patient self management, diabetes is life changing. It involves adapting a new and improved lifestyle which could include developing better dietary habits, fitting in regular exercise and ongoing doctors and hospital visits.  Added to this is the worry and fear of possible diabetes complications if the diabetes is not well controlled.

Diabetes can only be diminished, prevented and ‘reversed’ with community led projects partnering alongside the bigger charities.  Help us slow diabetes in its tracks – the Black African Caribbean community is described as high risk for being diagnosed with diabetes. When we raise funds it’s for you, your friends, your families and all of us that diabetes has reached out and grasped in its tentacles.

Abigail and Jo CaribDirect

Abigail and Jo Ramadan

Susan Haynes-Elcock

Susan Haynes-Elcock

For more information Why not visit www.diabetic-diva.com  as well.

See more photos here.

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