Home African Caribbean STOP PRESS: United Nations country visit of the United Kingdom This Week

STOP PRESS: United Nations country visit of the United Kingdom This Week

by caribdirect

United Nations country visit of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland COUNTRY VISIT
18-27 January 2023 coordinated by United Nations Fellows.

We are to inform you all that the United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent (WGEPAD) will be visiting and travelling around the UK from next week (18-27 Jan 2023).

This visit takes place every 10 years and the visit provides an opportunity to examine in detail the situation of people of African descent in the country, to identify any problems and to make recommendations for how these could be resolved.

The Working Group is interested in all forms of racial discrimination faced by people of African descent in the UK including in the following areas of concern although not limited to Employment, Education, Health & Wellbeing, Law & Justice, Stop & Search, Climate Change, Culture Rights, Housing, Reparations & much more.

Events will be taking place across the country and we now seek to mobilise Civil Society to attend the events, speak at these events and submit calls for input.

We are also keen to hear from youth & civil society in England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland.

For more information & to register to attend these events (spaces limited) please visit https://www.unfellows.org/ukvisit

Or email [email protected]

EVENTS REGISTRATION PAGE: https://www.unfellows.org/events

We look forward to seeing there!


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