Home Culture & Society St Kitts applauds remarkable teens

St Kitts applauds remarkable teens

by caribdirect

Staff writer Eunice Nisbett


Basseterre, St. Kitts, November 24, 2011 (SKNIS): “Historic, truly inspiring, the best experience in my political life, and a turning point for the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis.” These are some of the ways Members of Parliament (MP) described the Special Sitting of the National Assembly for The 25 Most Remarkable Teens in St. Kitts programme.

Members on the Government and Opposition benches and a gallery packed

Minister of Youth Empowerment Honourable Glenn Phillip outlines the 25 Most Remarkable Teens in St. Kitts programme at the start of the Special Sitting of Parliament

with friends and family all proudly saluted the young people who were recognized in non-traditional categories including Courage to Overcome, Civic Involvement, Writing, Performing Arts, Leadership, Most Enterprising and Youth Activism.

The profiles of each recipient were read by national youth parliamentarians. Then Federal MPs offered words of encouragement to the individuals before presenting their awards.

Stories of personal tragedy, school violence, health challenges, academic excellence, creative expression through arts, music and food moved the audience witnessing the ceremony in the National Assembly Chambers and those watching or listening on ZIZ Radio and Television.

Prime Minister the Right Honourable Dr. Denzil Douglas presents award to Davon Richardson

What almost everyone seemingly walked away with was a renewed confidence in the young people and the prospects they have to face challenges in life and remain productive citizens.

“Mr. Speaker, recognizing that the future of our country’s success depends on the healthy development and wellness of our youth, the Ministry of Youth Empowerment plans to make The 25 Most Remarkable Teen programme the premiere annual youth recognition programme in the Federation,” Minister of Youth Empowerment Honourable Glenn Phillip explained. “Already plans are being made for 2012 when we will expand the programme to include Nevis.

Minister Phillip added that a workshop is being planned for the award

Member of Parliament Honourable Vance Amory presents award to Shaquille Fredericks

Minister of Youth Empowerment Honourable Glenn Phillip presents award to Zaiesha Joseph

recipients to share the experiences and have training on key character attributes such as development of attitudes, motivation and sense of purpose, importance of self efficiency to success, personal aspirations and

future planning. “These young people will be [better] prepared to become leaders among their peers, youth role models and voices for an annual outreach programme,” said the Minister.

Photos courtesy Pierre Liburd.

Persons can relive the experience by liking Facebook page St. Kitts and Nevis 25 Most Remarkable Teens here.



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