Home Business Social Recruiting vs. Traditional Recruiting

Social Recruiting vs. Traditional Recruiting

by caribdirect

In Technology news. We live in a world of fast and efficient technological advancement. Each passing day it seems to grow, mobile phones become more advanced, computers are able to link up to entirely new networks, and possibilities of yesterday become the future for tomorrow.

Richard McMunn

Richard McMunn

It is surprising how quickly we adapt and advance to inconveniences that arise, and how we make them more simplistic to fit in our modern world. Amongst these is the way in which business views have adapted toward means of recruitment.

We have the traditional recruiting, as well as the newly reformed social recruiting.

Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn, are all a part of a large network of companies that specialise in social networking. They provide a means for quick communication, and references to identify who someone is and their basic information.

It grants an easy way to send files/CVs/portfolios back and forth and has taken the idea of a ‘paper application’ and made it into the image of an old photograph you come across in a chest somewhere.

Very rarely do we see the use of a paper application due to the convenience electronically processing the same information has granted. Rather than have to rewrite a CV over and over again, or deliver hand copies, you click two buttons and then you have your information at your potential employers backdoor a.k.a. email.

The unfortunate thing that this convenience does not offer is what I will call ‘face value’.  Taking in the actual presence someone tends to make in a room, their natural composure, and just overall posture of how they allow themselves to be seen.

How-To-Become-An-EntrepreneurTraditional recruiting allowed for a more personal and inviting presentation of one’s self.

In a way it allowed someone to really capitalize on a trait they knew they had; whereas on a computer generated CV file, your list of qualifications can match another’s, but unfortunately your ability to show true confidence can’t show through that electrical transmission.

The traditional way of recruiting often allowed, even if only for a few minutes, that time between the employer and potential employee, giving the employee that small fragment of time to sell himself as a great fit for ‘x’ job.

Individuals who are very charismatic were able to capitalize against their competition, but also equally importantly, the employer got to put a face to a name and have a general idea as to how they acted and composed themselves.

Both traditional and social recruiting offer their advantages, but as the world gains new technological advances it would be unfair and unrealistic to claim things will ever go back to being how they once were.

With the invention of Skype came video conferencing and interviews (which prior to Skype there were similar alternatives, I use Skype as a reference due to it being such a well-known application).

Things will only continue to advance and become more convenient, some sites have already developed ways of storing your information on their servers allowing you to go in and make minor revisions.

how_2_become feature

This makes the process of re-applying a matter of seconds as opposed to another half hour of refilling information you previously provided.

There are also generic tests that help rate your personality traits, your level of responsibility, etc. The accuracy of these tests can be put under very strong debate, however, when there is discussion where things will continue to become more advanced that is a prime example.

A convenience is just that, a convenience, and overtime modifications will make it more genuine and effective.

Richard McMunn is the director and founder of How2become.com and the author of this article. Richard spent 17 years in the Fire Service and now provides insider recruitment training for those looking to join the fire service, police service and also the armed forces.

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