Home African Caribbean Science & Tech Fair coming in March

Science & Tech Fair coming in March

by caribdirect

Business news. The ATL Learning Centre aims to inspire and encourage children and young people from backgrounds with limited resources, to pursue careers in the field of Science and Technology through the delivery of workshops and motivational speeches.

We have decided to put this event together because we want to support government efforts in promoting the learning of Sciences, especially amongst the African and African-Caribbean communities. According to government publications, the UK needs to have higher rates of students taking the Science route, if Britain is to compete in the global economy.

We think that our event will be an excellent opportunity for children to explore and investigate and also developing analytical thinking and problem solving skills. Children and young people will learn how things work and how technology is used to improve the quality of our lives, as well as talking to people that are already in the field.

Photo courtesy www.post-gazette.com

Photo courtesy www.post-gazette.com

Robotics Workshop

Your children will love this! A two hour workshop playing with Lego pieces, building the most amazing structures and then turning them into motion. Children will also learn the basics of electronics as well as working as part of a team. This workshop is suitable for children who are seven and over, however younger children can be accepted as long as they are accompanied by an adult.

Price £12.00

Groups £10.80 per participant

Solar Panel

The Sun is more than a star, it’s a source of energy that has been unrecognized for too long.

Bring your children along to this nature conscious workshop. The objectives of the workshop are to raise awareness of more environmentally friendly sources of energy and to learn the basic principles behind building a solar panel to power everyday objects.

Price £8.00

Groups £6.00 per participant

Saturday 21st March

Time 10am to 3pm

@ Deptford Lounge Library. 9, Giffin Street SE8 4RJ

Nearest Stations:

Deptford Train Station

Deptford DLR

New Cross Station


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