Home African Caribbean SAVE THE DATE: Popular Celebrity Seminar on its way

Caribbean news. Back By Popular Demand! Part II of the extremely popular Caribbean (in)visibility on British Television and Cinema is coming! Mark those calenders, diaries or almanacs the date is Wednesday 17th December 2014, (Not Thursday 18th) time: 6.30pm to 10pm at a Central London venue to be confirmed shortly. This event is in memory of the late comic genius Felix Dexter and brought to you again by Sankofa Televisual and CaribDirect Multi-Media and promises a highly skilled, knowledgeable and diverse panel.

Come and network with movers and shakers in radio, TV, newspaper, magazine, online and comedy. Theme: British Media and Black youth affinity to cultural reflections on screen.
This seminar is part of the first UK Caribbean Film Festival (Dec. 15 to 18 2014) Click HERE for details.

Actress Comedienne Angie Le Mar at last year's seminar. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

Actress / Comedienne Angie Le Mar at last year’s seminar. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

Refreshments available
Admission: Early bird tickets – £10.00 until 15th December;
Regular tickets – £15.00 from 16th December.
Tickets on sale from tomorrow Tuesday 18th November 2014. Watch this space!

(Get your tickets now as they will go fast due to the Caribbean Film Festival and patrons who enjoyed the seminar last year)

See video from last year’s seminar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWafzhb3IX8

Sponsorship opportunities for companies wishing branding at the event…email [email protected]


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We provide news and information for anyone interested in the Caribbean whether you’re UK based, European based or located in the Caribbean. New fresh ideas are always welcome with opportunities for bright writers.


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