Home African Caribbean Is it possible not to take customer service personally?
Staff Writer - Latoya Wakefield

Staff Writer – Latoya Wakefield

Business commentary. The company just introduced a new product and you’re on the 75th call out of 100 so far that’s not pleased with this change…You are an A-star Customer Service Agent (CSA) or (trying to be) and so you tell yourself you can manage all the backlash and even some threats. These people don’t know you. As a matter of fact, they know nothing about you but your first name and the sound of your voice so this is not personal.

No, it is never personal- you repeat over and over as the customer rants. They’ll be off the phone soon, you’ve assisted them to the best of your ability, yes they will hang up soon and probably not affect your call quality or your hold time. You can do it, yes you can until the person curses- calls you a f*****g thief. You who have never stolen a chicken leg from your mom’s pot, always gave the shop-keeper the extra product that they’d accidentally gave to you. You who don’t even feel right taking seconds at your friend’s dinner party…and now some stranger is presumptuously calling you a thief. You don’t know whether to cry or laugh… You maintain your cool, once again apologize for the inconvenience and brand the call as you are a star agent, however, your mood is at the letter f and falling. Why must some customers be so disrespectful?

It’s difficult to not take things personally when you’re a CSA – you are normally the first point of contact and all the anger that a customer has bottled up over some change or discrepancy is released on you. Some customers just don’t realise you’re human too…

I’ve seen CSAs break down because of what a customer said to them. This job isn”t pretty and not for the faint hearted. It would be nice if more customers could be respectful, they don’t have to be nice; just respectful, it is after-all a common courtesy. In the meanwhile, CSAs, do whatever it takes to not take it personally. Kudos to all CSAs, you are true masters of the art of customer service!

Photo courtesy www.meltwater.com

Photo courtesy www.meltwater.com


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