Home Business Plane fares to Jamaica petition in full swing

Plane fares to Jamaica petition in full swing

by caribdirect

Community in action against exorbitant plane fares to Jamaica organised by Think Tank & Lobby Group Facilitators For a Better Jamaica (FFBJ) petition campaign is off with a swing as the campaign intensifies in seeking for the reduction of airfares to Jamaica and the Caribbean and to increase baggage allowances from one suitcase to two suitcases.

The campaign kicked off in Windrush Square, Brixton on Saturday 5th 2013 between 1pm and 4pm whereby collecting just under 200 signatures. The cause was well received with people visiting Brixton to sign the petition directly and or to join in collecting signatures on behalf of the cause.


The campaign was using the day to raise awareness to the cause and to get an initial 10,000 signatures to strengthen the  resolve and to achieve a mandate to approach both British Airways and Virgin with confidence  to let them know we are serious about this cause and to establish an effective dialogue.

The objective is for the airfares to go down to around the £500.00 mark, and for the baggage allowances to  revert to two suitcases and if this does not happen there will be further action with the possibility of a boycott affecting both airlines financially.

CaribDirect - FFBJ

Online Petition Launched

Later the same evening the Online Petition went into full swing reaching 1000 signatures in just under 48 hrs with the count at time of writing, stands at  just over 1500 signatures.

Here are some of the views from persons giving reasons why they signed the petition:

DH from London says, “In the name of fairness and equality. I think BA and Virgin should be taken to task for exorbitant fares jacking”

VW from Birmingham says “Our Elderly family live in JA and we travel most years. The costs are far too high and unfair.”

KS from Tottenham says “I am signing because I am of Jamaican origin and I have four children and find it hard to travel with my family. It is a beautiful place but it is too expensive to visit. Please help us as a people.”

PM from Stone Mountain GA says “I am against all forms of exploitation”

The next phase of the campaign is to go for a National UK day and then a Global day of petitioning commencing this Saturday 12th October 2013.




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