Home African Caribbean ‘Our Health Is Our Wealth’ And Illness Is No Laughing Matter

‘Our Health Is Our Wealth’ And Illness Is No Laughing Matter

by Tony Kelly

Let me start off with a reminder as some readers have periodically asked me to comment in these fortnightly articles  on the forthcoming elections in Britain  which are to be held sometime this year, the presidential elections this November in the USA or religion. However, it is a personal choice not to write about politics or religion in any of these articles and that will remain so. I would rather keep my political and religious views out of the public domain as some thoughts should be private.

Therefore,  the subject matter is about how we should respect others who are  unwell as nobody is in a position to make a mockery of a sick person. It was extremely unkind and cruel to see  as one could not escape  them the most awful comments, conspiracy theories  including ‘sick’ jokes about the illness of Kate the Princess of Wales. No matter what is ones’ station in life one should never make fun and jokes about another person’s illness. What is the world coming to when the sickness of an individual is treated in such an appalling way? I  hope that those  internet trolls hiding behind a keyboard with their derogatory comments have some form of guilt regarding all the terrible things they placed in the public domain about Kate’s illness. No one deserves that. Frankly, why does the public need to now know what type of cancer she is undergoing treatment for? It is no one’s business and is the height of being nosey, inquisitive or  to use a well-known Jamaican saying ‘faas’.

I recall one day as a child not wanting to attend primary school and mentioned to my grandmother being unwell. She soon worked out that nothing was wrong and gave me a good telling off about never to feign illness. I have always remembered that event like it was yesterday as it is indelibly etched in my memory. Perhaps that is why I had the enviable record of fourteen years without a day off sick  whilst being a middle manager prior to early retirement.

What I also find deeply disturbing even on a personal level is seeing people put on social media, photos of  sick relatives, friends or associates in hospital or a care home. It  is the last thing that I would expect to see as surely the ill person deserves some dignity and privacy instead of being plastered all over the place. In my view it is unacceptable and wrong on every level and to be filming sick persons in their most vulnerable state and placing their images for all and sundry to see is well below the belt. Pardon the pun but it is sickening and should  never happen under any circumstances.

One should never joke about another person’s sickness  no matter what is their status in life and empathy should be the order of the day.

We should all treat sickness no matter how mild or serious with the utmost respect and not at any stage think it is a laughing matter. I hope those who choose to do otherwise and in particular the internet trolls as previously mentioned hiding behind the keyboard of their electronic device, personal or lap-top computer will think carefully of their negative and distasteful actions and the impact it has on those on the receiving end of their misery.

Some radio and television presenters also ought to be ashamed of the way that they spoke about the extent of  Kate’s illness and the despicable way in which staff at the London Clinic allegedly  tried to access  her medical records truly beggars belief.

It is far better to wish someone a speedy recovery and what can often be described as ‘get well soon’ hoping  that  their health and well-being improves instead of making a mockery of their situation.

It is known that some people whilst  unwell believe in the power of prayer, spiritual/faith healing including miracles, others hold steadfast in their belief in conventional medicines whilst some prefer herbal remedies: all of which have their place in the healing process and none should be dismissed outright.

Let me end by  taking  the opportunity to wish the Princess of Wales and all who are sick in mind, body and soul a full recovery.


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