Home Technology Online shopping in the Caribbean: How safe is it?

Online shopping in the Caribbean: How safe is it?

by caribdirect

Staff writer - Keisha Gaspard

I’m sure you’ve bought at least one item online, currently this doesn’t require a credit card. Through social networks like Facebook and Twitter, individuals and companies buy, sell and trade on a daily basis accessible from their mobile and hand-held devices.

Unfortunately, if you’re like me, you would have had the displeasure of purchasing an item that looked absolutely nothing like the picture displayed online. A sweater that in reality is completely ugly, laptop bags of poorer quality than boasted; the list goes on and on.

A Trinidadian business man found this fact as an opportunity to provide online shopping where the user gets exactly what they see. TriniBUY TriniSELL is the name of the business (www.trinibuytrinisell.com), dubbed a local E-bay by reporters. This web portal provides the user to view the actual picture of the item advertised; the company also sources the items via other companies as a shopping hub, it claims to bridge the gap between advertising and technology.

“Let us know what item you are interested in purchasing abroad and we would source and deliver it directly to your door for a minimal shipping fee.” are enticing words which can be found under the Shop America Plus section of the website.

Of course there are other similar popular websites in the Caribbean for purchasing cars and other miscellaneous items online, such as TriniTuner (www.trinituner.com), which is the best source for the latest news, including weather, traffic reports and breaking national news in Trinidad and Tobago, TriniCarsForSale (http://www.trinicarsforsale.com/) for buying and selling cars on the internet and JamDeal (http://www.jamdeal.com/index.php) for purchasing and selling items amongst Jamaicans.

TriniBUY TriniSELL has one differential factor from all others – the international reach. No need to have a skybox or ask a relative or friend to ‘bring down’ something for you when they are coming, to me personally this is the most enthralling aspect of TriniBUY TriniSELL.
        One main question remains: How many Caribbean businesses and individuals will make use of this hub that is the Caribbean’s equivalent to E-bay? Do you think TriniBUY and TriniSELL would increase the number of items purchased from United States of America and Europe by Caribbean citizens, thereby promoting foreign goods and impeding the success our own local products? What do you buy online?

As you’re here why not check out and LIKE our cool Facebook Trini page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/I-Love-Trinidad-Tobago-Because/121057431280796


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