Home African Caribbean Oil Magnate to speak at Ugandan UK Convention

Oil Magnate to speak at Ugandan UK Convention

by caribdirect

London, 22 June 2015: It is my absolute pleasure and delight to welcome His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Chris Baywood Ibe, a businessman, philanthropist and social activist, who will be joining us from Nigeria at the 5th Uganda-UK investment Convention in his bid to promote sustainable growth through improved intra-African trade.

Emperor Chris Baywood Ibe is the President/CEO of one of Nigeria’s largest indigenous oil and Gas EPC Service Companies, Baywood Continental Ltd and with her sister companies Baywood Exploration, Tropical Artic Logistics Ltd (TAL) and Real Xtreme Ltd specialises in exploration and production, air logistics (helicopter services) and in Real Estate, facility management, downstream operations and manpower supply among others. He is also planning to launch a World Class broadcasting network in partnership with EnyPictures Media UK with headquarters based in Nigeria serving the whole world.



The Company has its head office in Lagos Nigeria with fully functional offices in other parts of West, East and Southern Africa (Ghana, Tanzania and South Africa).  The company’s workforce are experienced and competent professionals with an industry cumulative experience of  over 300 years in the upstream oil & gas sector garnered from local and international practice. The company has a workforce of 1000+ in various oil & gas skill pools and has completed various projects in excess of $1Billion.  It is currently executing the biggest Gas pipeline project in Nigeria for TOTAL, FPSO operations and Maintenance for SHELL, as well as the rebuilding of very large crude oil storage tanks for Chevron and Shell                                                                                         .

Uganda having discovered oil of commercial quantity, Baywood Continental Limited is eyeing for opportunities and partnership in the oil and gas service industry and exploration in Uganda, and will be making a presentation at the Convention on sustaining growth through improved intra-African trade.

Uganda continues to record remarkable economic growth, and according to the World Bank has endured a GDP growth of 6.6 in 2014, and is one of the 10 fastest growing economies in Africa.

There has been much transformation in governance and in the general political atmosphere, giving potential investors greater confidence. In terms of available investment opportunities, Uganda has abundant natural resources, discovery of oil and also, infrastructure development is continuously opening more doors for potential investors.

The sharp rise in the middles-class is creating a robust demand for consumer goods, more so in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry. All these attributes and more have, and continue to place the country in the spotlight with regards to sustainable investments.

The Convention is renowned as having the highest level of both African and UK governmental and business speakers. This year we will be addressing the essential need to know topics most prevalent to East Africa (Uganda), such as opportunities within a range of sectors including priority sectors:  infrastructure development, Power & Energy, Health-care, Agri-business, Real Estate, financial markets.

The 2015 programme has a demanding, interesting and varied agenda over the course of the day, with keynote addresses, panel discussions and break-out networking sessions involving government and officials from the private sector, prominent Ugandan (Africa) entrepreneurs, private equity funds, asset managers, bankers, leaders and Pan-African development institutions. Additionally, a Project Centre will be in place to enable bilateral meetings and group discussions, with on hand support to facilitate business deals.

About Emperor Chris Baywood Ibe

Emperor Chris Baywood Ibe was born some 50 years ago. He hails from Enugu State, attended Central primary school Isu Awaa, Colliery Comprehensive Secondary School, Ngwo Enugu, after which he pursued higher education in Quantity Surveying in Beograd Yugoslavia. He is also alumnus of the prestigious Del Carnegie institute in Canada, a member of the Institute of Directors, Petroleum Technology Association of Nigeria and the Global Local content Group.

He founded Baywood Continental Limited, a wholly owned Nigerian company in 1989 as an Oil and Gas services Company.  The Company has over the years developed the corporate capacity to design, construct and build major Oil and Gas facilities.
The company has successfully designed and built large Crude Oil Tanks for various IOCs at three Export Terminals viz- CNL ESCRAVOS, SHELL BONNY and FORCADOS. Baywood Continental is the first indigenous company to design and construct Nigeria’s largest diameter gas pipeline since discovery of Oil in Nigeria.
BCL is also the first Nigerian company to design, install and operate compressor plants for Shell Petroleum. The Company is the first indigenous concern to design and construct a double bottom concrete Crude Oil Tank for Chevron. Baywood Continental is also the first Nigerian Company to have successfully pulled through HDD (Horizontal Direct Drilling) a 42’’ diameter pipeline across 1 kilometre Sombreiro River.
Under the astute leadership of Emperor Chris Baywood Ibe, the company today is employing over 1000 staff. It is ISO 9001- 2008 certified and a reference name in Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Commissioning in the Nigerian Oil and Gas sector. Emperor Chris Baywood Ibe also sits on the board of Baywood Dextron Ventures Ltd, ZB Joint Ventures Ltd, Tropical Arctic Logistics Ltd, Hitek Engineering and Consultancy Ltd and the Baywood Foundation.



Emperor Chris Baywood is a proud son of Enugu State whose contribution to community development through the Baywood Foundation is worthy of emulation. Over the years, his medical outreach programme in communities like Isu Awaa, Ihe, Ugbo, Agbogugu, Ituku and Agbudu have saved the lives of many. He undertook the construction and asphalting of the 9.5kilometre Agbogugu-Isu Awaa-Agbudu-Ihe road, the first of its kind in the history of Nigeria undertaken by a single individual.

The widow empowerment outreach which he initiated and carries out on yearly basis has touched the lives of over 700 widows to date. The Baywood football championship has positively engaged youths in Awgu and indeed in Enugu State. The Baywood Oil and Gas Skills Acquisition programme has trained many Enugu sons and daughters who are now gainfully employed in the Nigerian Oil and Gas sector.

Emperor Chris Baywood Ibe is a gentleman and knight of St Christopher (KSC) of the Anglican Communion, a recipient of so many awards including but not limited to the 2014 Industry Achievement Award by PETAN, the RATTAWU distinguished award for human Empowerment and Father of Eminence of the Anglican Communion. He has been conferred with the title of Emperor by the Ancient Imperial court of Ethiopia.

Emperor Chris Baywood Ibe, Entrepreneur and Business mogul has a passion for touching lives and serving humanity.  We are looking forward to welcoming you at the 5th Ugandan UK Convention on 12th Sept 2015 at Troxy Arena in London. Register for your free ticket at: http://www.ugandanconventionuk.org/


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