Home African Caribbean The need for balance in the world
Dr Christopher A Johnson

Dr Christopher A Johnson

Sections of society who take issue with the ‘WORD’ in books and films that tend to fictionalise the realism of human society, should remember the ‘Power of Thought’. This God-given attribute should not be taken for granted. No one, no authority, no sect or culture, is the epitome or fountain of all knowledge. If so, then there will be no need for epistemology – various branches of science ( natural and social) to assimilate and share.

Those who espouse beliefs, values or a creed, should demonstrate humility through acts of compassion, tolerance and a veritable understanding of (human) differences.

Indeed, seminal books and films typical of varying genres, are ‘reflectors’ of universal phenomena either in their current form or future state (formation). Such projections are useful, if not invaluable, to ‘keep Homo sapiens in check’ with recurring ‘truths’.

Being ‘ritually rehearsed’ also, is not a stamp of intellectual or cognitive efficacy or even authoritative righteousness.

Accordingly, humans evolve along with their ever-changing environment. Since this is a reality, there is a need for balance or equilibrium in both word and deed if civilised cultures are to remain standard bearers of our time.

Photo courtesy ankursunsharma.wordpress.com

Photo courtesy ankursunsharma.wordpress.com



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