Home Culture & Society My Top 3 Songs to Jam to this weekend

My Top 3 Songs to Jam to this weekend

by caribdirect

Staff Writer - Latoya Wakefield

“Without music, life would be a mistake” Who agrees with Friedrich Nietzsche?…There’s not one person who I know that doesn’t love music. Personally, I don’t think I could cope without it. I listen to it whenever I get the chance to, while cleaning, walking, waiting on the taxi to go to work and almost at any event I attend. Saturdays are best spent when I have my radio on ZIP 103; volume peaked, moving my body in time with the beats while doing chores. There are three songs right now that are creating a storm in JA. And if you’ve never heard them before, this weekend is the chance for you to give them an ear.  Here are my top three songs for you to enjoy this weekend:

# 3 Bruk it dung by Mr. Vegas – This is a feel good song for all females to have

A scene of Konshens' Gal a bubble

fun with.  Although released in 2011, this year it’s still hot. The video is what makes this song so appealing. Kudos to all the dancers as they gave the song life. The catch phrase ‘bruk it down’ is repeated several times as the girls demonstrated the movements. So put your leggings on, a ‘short shorts’ and that halter top and ‘Bruk it down’ this weekend with Vegas.

A pic from Vegas' 'Bruk it down'

#2 Gal a bubble by Konshens – Wow, I love this song and the video even more! Once again the catch phrase repeated several times is used as the chorus ( A common thing for our local music industry). Listening to this song makes February feel like summer. (BTW have you started working on your summer body yet?) The girls also did a great job as they bubbled! Mad, flexible moves…Great song to get your work-out going for the weekend!

#1 Affairs of the heart by Damian Marley (Junior Gong) – Junior Gong & a love

Junior Gong Damian Marley

song…shellingz! It might be toned down compared to ‘Bruk it down’ & ‘Gal a bubble’ but it’s a great song to relax to this weekend. This tune is so good that I have it on repeat for the whole night. His message is sincere as he speaks of real love being life- changing and life-saving. He also includes the old age concept of better to ‘love and lose’ than to not have loved at all.  It’s a great tune to rock to, rub-a-dub in the club or just for medz. It might be the weekend but balance is key: have fun but don’t forget to be cognizant. Da one yah a shat!

‘Bruk it Down’ & ‘Gal a bubble’ can be found on youtube, For ‘Affairs of the heart’, if you’re in Jamaica, you might come upon a youtube link that’s not available here. However, it can be seen at this link: http://www.dancehall.mobi/2012/02/20/video-damian-marley-affairs-of-the-heart/. All songs are available on itunes. Don’t forget to share opinions below. Cheers, it’s the weekend!


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