Hi Authentic Chick,
My Husband Left Me For Someone Less Than Half His Age
This morning I am literally hurting my brain. I can’t take it any longer. Miss, my husband left me for a younger woman. She could be his child. Come on! What is the world coming too? I am devastated but keep telling myself that maybe some strange disease will strike him and our adult children will urge me to go and look after him. It is so ridiculous to hear how he pays for anything this girl wants. Do you know that he went on holiday with her just recently?
We have been married for 36 years but he did leave me when we had five years of marriage and we never went on holiday. It was always that the places were too expensive and so on. I held on for all this time but I can’t take it any longer.
Feeling the blues!
Dear feeling the blues!
Good morning. Girl why are you putting your brain through this hurdle again and again? Did I get it right? The man did leave you in the fifth year of your 36 year marriage. You must have love that loser with all your heart and piece of your liver! Look, stand yourself in front of that mirror and declare: I am special and wonderfully made. I don’t need a serial cheating husband. I can continue to live the rest of my life according to God’s plan for me.
You have to stop hurting yourself over and over again by remembering what you used to have with this loser. Girl child, he doesn’t deserve you. By the way, I have travelled to some strange places in this world and the situation is the same. In my lived experiences, more men cheat on their spouses than the other way around. They brag about how they can have any woman they choose.
Just recently I was listening to an aged man 98 years old. He confessed to being a “worthless, dirty dog” as he was a serial cheater. He said this, “men are hunters and women are our prey. Some of them are too easy!” He claimed that men are basically selfish and just need their physical, sexual desires to be met. Need I say more?
Holidays, younger women, spending money and so on… the trend is the same. You are not alone.
Plan of action:
1. Create a plan for the rest of your life.
2. Divorce that bastard! This has to be part of your plan.
3. Find a support group in your area as you move forward with your life. You can do better.
Finally, remember that he is NOT coming back to your old bones! Snap out of this moaning about what you lost and embrace the next chapter of your life. So glad that you reached out.
Ta, ta …