Home African Caribbean My Friend Lied About Being Raped…Do I Tell The Police The Truth?

My Friend Lied About Being Raped…Do I Tell The Police The Truth?

by Authentic Chick

Dear Authentic Chick, 

He is out of jail now… what do I do? 

He was jailed for ten years and he did not commit the crime. I knew this because my friend Vernice told me all about it. They had sex one day when they were in high school, but this was mutual.

She had accused him of rape and had staged a bloody scene. He simply ignored it all and laughed in her face. She was embarrassed since she had lost her virginity to a man who only enjoyed the experience at her expense.  After that, he went on his merry way and had other girls.

He was a cricketer in those days and had a great future ahead. Based on all the mayhem, the police did lock him up and there was a case of course. The rest is history. Anyhow, I got it on tape, her entire confession in that she did lie about the whole episode and I am the friend of both of them. What do I do now?

Her family is well connected in society and he is well known, yes, but he grew up in the rough side of town. What should I really do? Should I put it all on facebook anonymously?  


In hiding in Bense, Dominica!

Dear In hiding, 

I agree that you are in a pickle! What are friends for? Am I a friend to hide the problems of my friends? Should I be the friend that will keep such deadly secrets? I often ask myself these questions. I have settled my conscience this way – once it is a crime, I am going to report it somehow. 

Reviewing your situation of course is one of those times I wish that I didn’t have to give you an answer. One thing is this – you can’t put this on facebook. I would suggest that you go to a lawyer and let them take it from there. Or, how about dropping off this tape anonymously to that particular police station or the Head Quarters in Roseau?

If your friend should ask you whether you were responsible for sending in the tape, I would suggest that you be bold enough to say that you did. 

Also, encourage your friend (your female friend) to confess what she had done in the first place. Oh, about the accused, I think that you should make contact somehow. Why? You did say that both male and female were/are your friends. I hope you did visit the accused while he was incarcerated.

If you didn’t, it will take some time for you to redevelop a friendship. Either way, both of these your friends will need counselling as well as some sort of closure on the issue. The accused has spent ten years behind bars for a crime he didn’t commit.

What a waste. All in all, I am hopeful that you will do the right thing and brace yourself for a backlash from the “well connected in society.” I am hoping that you will be able to stand up and be counted. 



Authentic Chick


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