Home African Caribbean Montserrat 2014 Festival tentative calendar released

Montserrat 2014 Festival tentative calendar released

by caribdirect

Caribbean news. As Montserrat’s year-end Festival continues to grow, so does our anticipation every year for the spectacular display of culture, talent and creativity. Apart from the expected Festival Committee events such as Queen Show, Calypso Monarch and Festival Street Parade.  Shows from private promoters such as Sunrise Productions, St. Johns Action Club and Fabulous Entertainment, have made the Annual Festival calendar their home.

This year, we will see new Festival Committee shows, daytime activities and fundraisers being part of the calendar.  For the video game buffs, there will be a Video Game Tournament at the Montserrat Cultural Centre on December 16th, complete with big screens and loud speakers. The Ferry will take patrons around the island in comfort and style on December 21st for the ‘Round d Island’ ferry tour and the Regional Female Calypso Show, previously organized by Euphony Vibes, will return for Festival 2014 on December 22nd under the management of the Festival Committee. There will be a Sankofa Kwanzaa Fest highlighting certain aspects of our African heritage and gift giving for children on December 30th and plenty of fun for the kiddies on December 31st with a Fun Day just for them at Festival City all afternoon.

Photo courtesy www.gov.ms

Photo courtesy www.gov.ms

For those who can recall jumping up in the rain last December, with the Imagination Brass, would be happy to learn that it will return to Montserrat in hopes of an even sweeter session this time around. Festival 2014 will also see the return of Nite of Pan and Soca Frenzy. The Tropical Productions team are bringing you King and Queen of the Band on December 31st at Festival City, where grand costumes from islands throughout the Region will be showcased on Montserrat’s big stage.

The calendar for Festival 2014 is packed very tightly and shows are still being added. To see the calendar, visit the Facebook page www.facebook.com/MontserratAnnualFestival . To add your event to the calendar, please call 664-496-8555 or email [email protected]


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